HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO COMR. NWALI OGUZOR JP: There are so many - TopicsExpress


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO COMR. NWALI OGUZOR JP: There are so many thoughts and feelings that comes to me on this special day. For me, my birthday is a time when I remind myself about how much I have to be grateful for. Its a day where I think about the good things I have been given and thankGod for it. When it comes to thanking God, a lot of it boils down to the little details. Its all those great things that God has done to me that make me realize just how blessed I am, just how much blessed I am in this life and just how much I should show Him that I appreciate all of it. I think about my precious pretty wife, healthy little children and my dear friends, the adorable things they say, the joy they bring into my life...and I am grateful oh Lord! I watch my son play with his dolls, talk to him, diaper him, feed him and take care of him and my heart bursts with joy and appreciation to God for giving me such a priceless gift. I remember who gave me these priceless blessings, these adorable children, and great inspiring friends who take over my life and my heart. Who teach me to work on my patience, to be more easygoing, focused, independent and hardworking to let things slide...and to understand that they have reasons for their behavior and misbehavior...and who teach me to work on myself to be a better parent. People say time moves fast. And that you turn around and wonder where all that time went. I dont feel it. My life is crawling. Each day is long. Sometimes, I look back and think to myself, that was just last week? It feels like ages ago! But...I am alive and I am grateful for each and every day I am given, each day that is filled with the joy and love and happiness I get from my family and friends. Each birthday brings me closer to the day...to the time of reflection I have no idea when that end time will be so i have to pray for strength and grace to do Gods will. Is it scary? Yes. But...dont I need that reminder? Isnt that something thats safe to think about (at least) once a year? As long as I am alive, I will be thankful and glorify my God all the time. Each birthday is an opportunity for me...and opportunity for reflection...for introspection...and for connection. A chance to look inside myself and see where I want to be and to take steps to get there. Its easy to forget but I have one day a year that I can make a little more spiritually elevated. Today can be a little different. Its not a special day for everyone else; it is my day. My day to make special...amidst the mundane, in middle of the regular routine...and use that day to the fullest, to start making positive changes, and to take steps in the right direction. I am still young. I still feel so young. There is still so much I still have to do, so much I want to accomplish! To my dear friends celebrating there birthday today too, may the almighty God continue to protect, guide and bless them forever Amen. I PRAY: LET NO EVIL BEFALL US O God, You are the preserver of men, and the keeper of our lives. I commit ourselves to Your perfect care on the journey that awaits us. I pray for a safe and auspicious journey. Give Your angels charge over us to keep us in all our ways. Let no evil befall us, nor any harm come to our dwelling that we leave behind. Although we are uncertain of what the days may bring, may we be prepared for any event or delay, and greet such with patience and understanding. Bless us O Lord, that we may complete our journey safely and successfully under Your ever watchful care in Jesus Name Amen!
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 23:47:28 +0000

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