HAPPY DECEMBER 2014! I wish you God’s peace, guidance, - TopicsExpress


HAPPY DECEMBER 2014! I wish you God’s peace, guidance, confidence, and hope for December of 2014 as you round up the year 2014 and prepare for God’s blessings for your life, and the great events ahead of us in 2015. World events are making life more stressful; and the future threatens to be more uncertain, but we are walking and working with a Big God! Your God is as Big as you imagine and know him to be! “HAVE FAITH IN GOD!” (Mark 11:22). Open your mouth and say that to yourself every morning when you wake up, and every night when you go to bed. This is the time for PLANNING, PREPARATION, GUIDANCE, AND APPLICATION OF WISDOM. We have 4 weeks to complete 2014 and start 2015. IF YOU FAIL TO PLAN, THEN YOU MUST PLAN TO FAIL. The speed of a flying aircraft is largely dependent on the speed with which it took off. How did you start 2014? Are you going to end this year successfully, to your satisfaction? No matter your situation, you can still make improvements and obtain more satisfying victories in the coming year and beyond. If you don’t start well, your foundation will be weak and poor --- you will therefore not end well. Are you consciously getting your act together to round up the year successfully and finishing 2014 strong? It might be too late to obtain success for some aspects of your life if you drag your feet, become apathetic, or stubbornly refuse to listen to wise counsel and make important changes, and start putting some things together before January 1st 2015. AT LEAST YOU SHOULD HAVE STARTED PRAYING ABOUT IMPORTANT ISSUES, DECISIONS, AND CHOICES BY NOW, AND MAKING TIME TO MEDITATE ON GOD’S WORD AND PONDERING OVER SOME NECESSARY STEPS AND CHANGES THAT YOU NEED TO MAKE BEFORE THINGS CAN MOVE ON SMOOTHLY IN THE COMING YEAR. Have you started making time and effort to plan, prepare, and receive guidance from God and from wise people (including parents, spouse, fiancée, elders, genuine pastors, genuine men and women of God, leaders, experts in your field or profession, trusted friends etc.)? No human being can completely succeed without some accountability and wise counsel. Even a pastor or leader must have a “pastor” or “supervisor” as counselor for himself (or herself), who plays the role of a mentor or loving friend who can advise and caution him or her. If not, then that man or woman of God, or leader, will never have his or her maximum impact in ministry or become the best steward of God’s anointing, gifts, material things, and spiritual resources. Candidates, who simply fight to win elections without prior preparations to serve the people they represent, will ultimately become wasteful and unproductive (and often corrupt) leaders. “The preparations of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord. Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts (plans) will be established” (Prov. 16:1, 3). You cannot receive good GUIDANCE for the future, if you are not someone with the humility to learn, and the desire, patience, and wisdom to PLAN and PREPARE for what is ahead of you. You must pool essential tools together, in order to plan and prepare for a better future. Even God, with all His sovereignty, power, authority and attributes, planned the universe, and “prepared salvation for mankind” (Luke 2:30-31). Cooperate with God in prayer, biblical meditation, and humble obedience; then move patiently, wisely, and strategically by faith towards your goals, and cooperate with the people God has placed in your life for success. Allow the fear of God to keep you away from evil, in order to produce abiding fruit that is not tainted with any kind of dirt. WALK BY PRINCIPLE AND NOT BY CIRCUMSTANCE. LEARN TO SHAPE CIRCUMSTANCES; DON’T LET CIRCUMSTANCES SHAPE YOU. Aim at your target with sharp focus, and work towards your objectives with patience, diligence, and tenacity of purpose. “Without counsel, plans go awry (wrong), but in the multitude of counselors they are established” (Prov. 15:22). Always work towards a definite goal. IF WE DON’T AIM WHEN WE SHOOT, THEN WE WILL NOT KNOW WHEN WE HIT! Deuteronomy 31:6-8; Proverbs 3:1-7; Psalm 32:8-10; Psalm 25:4-16; Isaiah 30:1, 15-21; James 1:2-8. Written by Dr. Samuel Kisseadoo. Professor of Biology, Virginia, USA. Ordained Licensed Minister, International Evangelist, Author. Relationships, Marriage, and Family Counselor. Obtain additional rich information from Dr. Kisseadoos’s books in Accra, Ghana, at Challenge Bookstores or Calvary Baptist Bookstore at Adabraka (near Nkrumah Circle); or Baptist Bookstore at Amakom in Kumasi, Ghana (opposite Anglican High School); or call 233-208209567. You can use his name “Dr. Samuel Kisseadoo” to search: RedLeadBooks or Amazon for some of his books, and he can personally mail some copies to you as well. E-mail: kisseadoo@msn. Tune in to JOY 99.7 FM in Accra, Ghana to listen to Dr. Kisseadoo’s weekly broadcast “Hope For Your Family” on Sat. 5:30am-6am, Ghana time (12:30am-1:00am, US Eastern Time in Nov-March). Access the broadcast on the Internet with MYJOYONLINE.COM. Website for resources: fruitfulministriesint. Dr. Kisseadoo’s first Facebook Account (DrSamuel Kisseadoo) is public and accessible but is full. You can be a new friend on his second Account (RevDr. Kisseadoo); or you can ‘like’ his Community Page: FM Int. Inc. For free counseling, programs, prayer, messages, books, speaking engagements, call Dr. Kisseadoo in Virginia on 1-757-7289330 (or call 233-20-8126533 in Accra or 233-275-353802 in Kumasi, Ghana). Ghana Fruitful Ministry E-mail: fmighana_accra@yahoo). In Ghana, call Tigo or Airtel 545 and follow the prompts for daily inspirational messages of Dr. Kisseadoo. Permission granted to freely share but with acknowledgement.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 08:41:26 +0000

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