HAPPY EASTER .. For Christians today is symbolically special, it - TopicsExpress


HAPPY EASTER .. For Christians today is symbolically special, it marks the day Jesus resurrected from death after being crucified. He is one of only two people to do this in the bible, Enoch, great grandfather of Noah being the other. Little is known through the bible as to the phenomena of such events, but even in our modern history there are medical cases of people returning to life after extended periods of pulselessness. There are also many tales around the world of amazing healings and events by spititual and ordinary people alike, the majority coming from the ascetics of India and the more eastern lands. The only difference between them and jesus is that people of the day noted the things he said. He spoke of a way to follow him beyond death...and left clear indication that thru the applications of the principles he taught that anyone could experience the truth of what he spoke about. He did not tell people to form religions and in fact berrates peter when he wants to build temples. Whilst most peoples first contacts with jesus teachings may indeed be encountered in churches etc, he admonishes us always to have a individual approach to God. God, a Hebrew translation of the word Allah, from the oldest language man (jesus) spoke, Aramaic, means simply..I AM We do a lot of Christian/religious tattoos in our studio, chicano culture/style is completely based on Jesus teachings of brotherhood and family... I myself have 90% spiritual tattoos.. They represent to me important lessons in faith, universal family and love that are often hard to remember and hard to stick to in times of fear and pain.. but they are always true no matter what. An they come from the heart of a man whose love was righteous, who cared for the poor, the sick, the lonely and the downtrodden. A man who asked for nothing and who lived giving everything... When we all meet up again im goin to buy that guy a beer... REPRESENT !
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 21:47:11 +0000

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