HAPPY MONDAY clients and followers heres some helpful info for you - TopicsExpress


HAPPY MONDAY clients and followers heres some helpful info for you today about RELAXERS!!!!!!!! I highly recommended that you see a professional when you decide you want a relaxer. Relaxers offer a permanent way to straighten black hair, but you should be as informed as possible about them. Lye, no-lye, mild, regular and resistant (super)-- theyre available from many different brands and in different formulations. Know the basics to see if this chemical treatment is right for you. Before the Relaxer: ok so Youre getting ready for a consultation with a stylist. What will a good stylist do during a consultation? Examine your hair: A professional needs to know whether or not you currently have any chemicals in your hair including color and which strength relaxer to use by doing a porosity test. If youve completely grown out a previous relaxer or dye, explain when you last applied chemicals. Its great if you can remember the brand as well. Perform a strand test: This may happen after the consultation, but a strand test is always a good idea. This way, youll know if youre allergic to the chemicals (before theyre placed all over your head). Once you make an appointment, its important that you dont scratch or aggravate your scalp. Getting relaxer chemicals on open or irritated skin is sure to lead to burning. Dont shampoo your hair for at least three days before you get it relaxed. On the day of your appointment, simply detangle your hair as much as possible without a lot of manipulation (combing or brushing ). The Relaxing Process: Hopefully, you have an appointment with a professional who believes in being on time and taking their time with your hair. You dont want a stylist whos gossiping on the phone over your head or leaves for lunch in the middle of your service. You should be draped with a clean cape and your hairline, nape and ears and scalp should be protected with some type of barrier (usually petroleum jelly or base). The stylist will then proceed to apply the relaxer to any hair that hasnt previously been straightened with chemicals, or in the case of a virgin head of hair, all over to the ends. A relaxer should be smoothed down with an application brush or the back of a comb. If your scalp begins to burn at any point during the application, tell the stylist! Dont sit and suffer in silence because you want your hair bone straight. Stinging and burning lead to pain and scabbing. Another serious issue that causes so many of the problems with black hair today is that relaxers are left on the hair too long. This is especially true for chemicals applied at home. Theres a reason for that recommended time frame; ignore it and you run the risk of damage and hair loss. A stylist should work quickly to apply the relaxer on the hair and spend just as much time during the smoothing process. After the Relaxer: After the time frame is up, your hair is rinsed with warm water. All of the relaxer must be rinsed away. This is followed with a neutralizing shampoo. You must use a neutralizer to stop the chemical action otherwise, the relaxer continues to work on your hair. This can lead to hair damage, breakage, hair loss and serious scalp damage. Your stylist should then apply a conditioner or deep conditioner (treatment). After this, your hair can be wet set on rollers or blow-dried straight and bumped with a flat iron. Enjoy your new straight locks!
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 21:03:34 +0000

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