HAPPY MONDAY, well, technically Tuesday but we havent gone to bed - TopicsExpress


HAPPY MONDAY, well, technically Tuesday but we havent gone to bed yet ;) Tomorrow afternoon we hope to have a big announcement to make!!! Any guesses??? In the meanwhile we said that we would share some of our thoughts about our experiences with Ben, George, May and Kay over the past year. We have been through an incredible year with Ben, George, May and Kay. We are not new to the horse industry and understand that it is full of dishonesty and unethical and illegal behavior. This experience, however, has helped us look more closely at the slaughter and rescue from slaughter industries. You may or may not agree with us and that is okay. We just wanted to share a few of our thoughts … The slaughter industry is not well understood and managed by people who are more interested in profit than horses. The slaughter industry is not only driven by the kill buyers but by people who breed indiscriminately and sell/give away their horse carelessly when they no longer want them. We need to get involved with the legislative and policy issues at a national, state and local level. We need to share and educate people about this industry and use accurate statistics and verifiable information about the industry. Broker programs, sale barns, horse placement groups and horse rescues are all very different organizations. Don’t be fooled by loose or inaccurate language. Know who you are dealing with, exactly what they do and who they are and where their money is spent if they are asking for regular donations. In some states, kill buyers and horse brokers hold the same type of license. Curious, don’t you think? Programs that you are too far away to visit should be viewed with a critical lens. If people are reactive to questions or criticism, constantly asking for money or cannot / will not produce verifiable documentation of everything they do, be wary. Animal rescue is emotionally charged and it is easy to get caught up in a story and donate without critically examining how the money is being spent. Always examine your own decisions about donating money or supporting groups. If you still feel right about it, continue to provide support but if something doesn’t feel right, it is okay to withhold your support until you can gather more information. Thank you all for coming along on our adventure. Check back in later tomorrow for our big announcement!!!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 06:48:51 +0000

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