HAPPY NEW MONTH + MERRY XMA$ & NEW YEAR............................................... I Thnk God 4His Luv My lyf, through-Øut {Jan-Dec} he as always been With Me, If Nt 4 christ in øur lyf d devil will just b smiling bcos he wil have dominion all Øver Øur Life. Any day alive, simply means dat God is not done with you yet. Me ßeign Alive Worth a Bouyant Lot of praise,bcos many are dead bt am alive, Many are gone bt am still Øn. Many Died due 2 Accident 4rm Jan- Dec, bt i thank God dat Road i also Passed it. nothing is Wrong With Me bcos he has Promised 2 be & i knw 2ru Faith am going 2 c d New year Øf {2015}. Bcos what God z doing In our life u knoweth {Physically/spiritually}he has be comforter. Dnt just live through life bt let life feel yr impact on it. What Would d World be like Without inventions and discoveries? Its high time We started questioning Ourselves abt our purpose, get dat purpose 4rm d creator and live in all determination 2 live out that purpose........bcos {New- Year, New Attitude}. & ßy God Grace We are going 2 c d End Of dis Dec + 2ru Faith, d new Year z in our midst . Remember, the greatest trapedy is nt death, bt life lived without Pupose. Xmas kuming soon 2ru faith we are going 2 pass it through{MERRY XMAS}!!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 07:45:10 +0000

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