HAPPY NEW YEAR FAMILY. hope you all have had a great start to a - TopicsExpress


HAPPY NEW YEAR FAMILY. hope you all have had a great start to a wonderful year. Weve been home all day Callie is still not feeling good. Shes wheezing pretty bad. Started steroids today along with all the breathing treatments. Shes slept a large portion of the day. You can tell shes just not feeling good. Ive been busy taking down Christmas decorations. It makes me sad but I am ready to get everything straightened back up and less crowded lol. Callie does not like to take it down she cries and begs me to keep it up. Delaney said shes keeping her tree up all year. lol she probably will. Well Callie wanted to do something fun and we thought it would be fun to answer any questions you would like to ask. We thought if any one wanted to ask any thing about Williams syndrome about Callies other medical conditions about her in general her hobbies really anything. If you want to ask a question about our family or our hobbies our church our lives if you want to ask anything we will try our best to answer it. We look forward to sharing this year with all of you and Callie wants to try and reach 25,000 followers then we will try and reach 27,000 followers. It makes her so happy to see the number go up every day. I get you all can guess just what she says. Oh look mom Ive got two more friend or three more friends. I cant believe that I have 23,000 people who want to talk to me oh lord if she could she would sit down right in the middle of all 24,000 of yall and talk and never stop WHEW I just got a good laugh I just had a mental picture of this lol. HAHAHAHA. Thats too funny. I know how it is at the grocery store and walmart she talks to every one. Yesterday we had to run into Kroger EVERY PERSON we passed she had to talk to she made some very sweet friends one lady and one teen girl. She talked to them every time we passed them and I mean she had to stop them and carry on a conversation. It was so cute sometimes when Im in a hurry which is all the time I catch my self thinking oh my gosh weve got to go I dont have time to stop and talk to every one we pass then I think how happy it makes her and the smile on her face is priceless and she usually says to me mom I think I just made her happy I love making people happy thats just what I do and it just blesses my heart. I just stop And soak it all in and watch my little SUNSHINE SHINE AND SHINE. Nothing like it. I really believe that GODS purpose for Callie is to show The love of The Lord to show how important everyone small or big are show to love and to be kind isnt hard its easy and if we all COUld do that this world would be a better place. Also to cherish every moment to not take one thing for granted to always look at the beauty in everything and every one to encourage to love the life God has given us. Take the good with the bad and embrace it all. GOD HAS HUGE PLANS for Callie please help me pray that I will be the mom that I need to be to help her achieve everything and to help her carry out her plans GOD has for help. Help me pray that I would not be to busy and that my heart would be humble And that I will listen to The Lord as I know he will let me know what I need to do to help Callie fulfill his plan. Thank you all for being a part of our lives and loving caring And being such encouragers. We love you all so much and we are do thankful for you all Gotta go give Callie her breathing treatments and meds we love yall OH SHE WANTED ME TO MAKE sure I told yall she blew you all a kiss but the video stopped and she got upset cause it didnt get your kiss she blew you all so REMEMBER there is a kiss coming to you she said YOU BETTER CATCH IT.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 02:58:58 +0000

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