HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL MY FRIENDS & PEERS IN MY ACTING OPPORTUNITIES IN MICHIGAN INDIES CASTING GROUP: I am grateful to be back these past two years. Welcome back so warmly to the art I love of acting with open arms. After being gone 13 years from late stage lymes disease & then a stroke I recovered from as a miracle. Thank you;) I could post so many quotes, volumes of acting books /techniques, biographies, the history of acting techniques before & after Stanislavsky, through Hollywood to now. So many you tube videos to share. But this would overwhelm you & this wall. In the end its what works for you to achieve the goal-the evolving method/techniques/system that helps you live truthfully moment to moment in those given circumstances. Yet the real bottom line of what acting is about to me is one for letter word LOVE;) And in the end my hope is all who have talent & genuine passion do continue to grow, create & share. Thank you for being a part of my group. IF ANY OF THIS ADVICE HELPS A BIT: Passed down from one of my favorite great old film actors from the very early days of film who helped lay the foundation of truthful film acting . I was given advice as a gift since Id never get to meet Spencer Tracy . TV & film actor Robert Wagner wanted to give me -that he said he wanted to share a piece of advice he knew Spencer Tracy would give me;) . Dont worry about the tricks-learn the craft & be focused fully in the scene. Dont imitate other actor or pose. Really listen & concentrate in the scene. You are enough..Dont let em catch you acting. Stick to it until you get it. Learn your lines. And dont give up;) I treasure that advice- as my goal always even as a boy in theater before I moved to film was to never seem like an actor actoring. To not be caught acting or its being done wrong. To work hard enough at it, then let go & trust my instincts. As a boy I wanted my acting as raw as Rudolph Nureyev in dance & seamless as Fred Astaires dancing-to not let the work show. I had quite lofty ideas as a boy. Eventually let go of perfection i t was an illusion. Now I simply strive for excellence-as we are perfectly imperfect as people.;) Yet in the end its about love to me truly ;) Creating & sharing . Living ,being, existing fully & truthfully moment to moment in the given imaginary circumstances. Being open to be moved as if those circumstances were real. Its always me with a difference. As the Imagination with a keen sense of Belief & truth is priceless.And a method/technique that helps inspiration happen more often than not when its time to act;) Theres is nothing more unique you have to offer than yourself.Youre all very special .And you fully as the role is truly enough.;)Old quote~ For however many actors can play Hamlet- Thats how many Hamlets there are. Again thank you for being part of the group I created. Happy a very happy new year & a beautiful 2015;) {Heres just a a very few of the great film actors I loved. theres alot that have influenced me to many to share here, -yet truly not so many compared to how many are actors ;)}
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 15:28:23 +0000

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