HAPPY SABBATH: When people share their fears with you, share your - TopicsExpress


HAPPY SABBATH: When people share their fears with you, share your courage them. Those who lose riches lose much, but those who lose courage lose all. Erma Bombeck, wrote, there are people who put their dreams in a little box and say, Yes, Ive got dreams, of course, Ive got dreams. Then they put the box away and bring it out once in a while to look in it, and yep, theyre still there. These are great dreams, but they never even get out of the box. It takes an uncommon amount of guts to put your dreams on the line, to hold them up and Say, How good or bad am I? Thats where courage comes in. If I could give young people any advice in life, Dream bigger, Dream outside the box, anything you can dream and believe you can achieve, with the gifts GOD gave you, the HOLY SPIRIT, HIS WORD AND STAYING IN THE CENTER OF HIS INFLUENCE AND THE INFLUENCE OF OUR GUARDIAN ANGELS. The more we trust GOD and fallow his assignment for our lives, the more our Children and grandchildren will be blessed. Both Joyce and I had parents and Grandparents who trusted GOD no matter what. Caleb had made a name for himself early on by standing firm in the minority. then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, we should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it. Numbers13:30. Only his friend Joshua agreed with him. They lost the debate that day. But GOD never forgot Calebs bold spirit of faith that day. I have always been charmed by the word Wholeheartedly it shows up five different times in relation to Caleb. ( see also Num.14:24; 32:12; Josh. 14:8; 14:14, He had a one-track mind ( as well as heart and soul) for the LORD. No Wavering, no compromise, no negotiating with the purpose of GOD. There was nothing lukewarm or tentative about him. Today we need more of that spirit In our culture. I have always wanted to make a t-shirt, WHOLEHEARTEDLY FOLLOW AFTER JESUS Dont you just love that kind of tenacity. Caleb might have been old, but he had no intention of quitting. He was not afraid of taking on the Giant, Towering, Fearsome, Warriors, the Anakites. He firmly believed his GOD was stronger, and he would not let loose of the divine promise. His faith was bigger than fear or scouting reports. He meant to possess everything GOD HAD PROMISED. Joshua saw the glint in his old friends eye. He knew there would be no stopping this old warrior. The Bible says, Then Joshua bless Caleb and gave him Hebron as his inheritance. So Hebron has belonged to Caleb the Kenizzite ever since, because he followed the LORD, THE GOD OF ISRAEL, WHOLEHEARTEDLY. Josh.14:13-14. Notice the all important phrase in his statement to Joshua about tackling the Anakites with cities large and fortifies, but, the LORD HELPING ME, I will drive them out as HE said ( Josh. 14-12). The same is true for me and you. Only with the LORDS help can we conquer the enemies that stand in our way. GODS power and grace are required for every challenge before us. We cannot attempt to claim the first half of Philippians 4-13--- I can do all things---- without Understanding the rest of it: through CHRIST who strengthens me. Fallowing GOD wholeheartedly for the long haul requires us to be totally dependent upon JESUS and HIS WORD. I write these simple messages for my friends, children, grandchildren and my best friend JESUS who didnt come to condemn us but to save us. John 3:17. Love Poppie.youtube/watch?v=8RqPdjKvw2Q&sns=em
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 14:03:34 +0000

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