HAPPY SINGLE MOMS DAY !! I READ THIS somewhere & thought - TopicsExpress


HAPPY SINGLE MOMS DAY !! I READ THIS somewhere & thought it is Our STORY !!!! Sharing with ALL SINGLE MOMS !! fact that Were the only ones attending to lives of ( in MY case) FOUR entire human beings , was all sooo consuming .... Authoritative attitude becomes our personality trait CAUSE Knowing day after day we r solely responsible for making sure our kids stayed alive honorably, survived gracefully in this world under lot of pressures .... When the kids got sick and were up for days .. or end puking, bed wetting, high temperatures, guess who had to deal with ? .. Me! When they needed to be picked up from school, guess who had to cancel very important appointments or meetings ? only Me !! When EIDS , shadis, occasions rolled around ,emotional stress , all the preparations duties were only ... Mine !! School Parent teacher meetings, games ,activities participations, parties, homework, teaching Manners, doctor appointments, lunch, dinner, baths, laundry, it was only ... ME, ME, ME !! Oh yeah, & since there was no dad, needed a full time job as well !! No counting down hours of a long day until time some dad would come home to help !!! No hope that dad will get up with the kids , letting me have five more precious minutes of sleep time !! No help when I was juggling a stroller, holding the rest with their nappy bags & things !! No daddy to run to the grocery store at 2am when baby spikes a fever !!! No daddy to take pictures at school functions, exams preparations, while you juggle with rest of them !! No dad to talk to when normal parenting fears creep in (4kids).. No father to stand beside you when your child is in the hospital and you are dead scared !!! In this solo flight, None to back you up when you are feeling exhausted and worn down to the core. .. .. No other parent in general, to care what happens to my child but ..ME !! It used to be only ever ME and what.. that I also wanted relaxation ??? I would like a break , from having to bite my tongue every time a wealthy stay-at-home mom complained about how much her husband travels, or is busy, Geez lady, just be happy that you dont have to worry about how you are going to feed your kids if you get fired from your job because you took another day off of work to tend to your sick child. !! Do not let my tone deceive you .. I love my children with every fiber of my being. ... But u know I also signed up for the marriage, companionship, not loneliness & liabilities only !!! Even though this was not-what I signed up for ....I wouldnt change it for the world ... dreams and reality dont always line up , do they? WE cant do anything about what we wanted, but I can choose how to react to what I got !!! Every time I saw their faces, I knew why I got up so early daily and act mechanically !!! Its because they were my GEMS, worth All the stress , extra labour , I really am grateful for what I got, even if it doesnt sound like it !! Single MOMS are forever over-worked, over-stressed, under-appreciated, yay , Mothers Day, am I right !! dear SINGLE MOMs the end of the tunnel it is rewarding if u dont get very haggard or get HIS call ! .. they grow up, settled , busy within their own social & parental roles ... U are again ALONE !! MAY ALLAH bless my & all children to have a fulfilling HAPPY life !! GOOD LUCK TO SINGLE MOMS !!
Posted on: Mon, 12 May 2014 06:18:21 +0000

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