HAPPY THANKSGIVING: The two articles below likely touched my heart - TopicsExpress


HAPPY THANKSGIVING: The two articles below likely touched my heart more deeply than any I have ever written. The first article is a brief account of the day my Daddy was baptized into Christ. The second article contains notes that I wrote for the lesson I preached at Daddy funeral. With the passing of years, things change as you will see as you read these articles. My Daddy was baptized into Christ on November 27, 2003. He was very faithful to God for the last five years of his life. He died December 3, 2008. His death was the result of traumatic brain damage that he received in an accident while loading cows. He did not die immediately, but death did come a few weeks later. I still love him dearly and miss him deeply, but when Thanksgiving Day comes, I truly have something to be thankful for; that is the day my Daddy became a Christian. My Mama is still alive and serving God. Please keep her in your prayers! Love your family and your friends. Life is short. I love you all. Charles Box My Best Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving Day 2003 was my best Thanksgiving Day ever. On that day I had the wonderful privilege of baptizing my 80-year-old Daddy into Christ. This was an answer to the prayers of many. As is the custom of our family, many of us were gathered at my parent’s home for a Thanksgiving Day meal together. Dinner was almost over when I walked up to the table where my Daddy sat and my good Christian Mama stood by his side. What a blessing when my Daddy said, “Son, I want you to baptize me.” When I called to the others to tell them, I am not sure there was dry eye in the house. How wonderful that Galatians 3:26-27 now applies to my precious Daddy. “For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.” Upon the knowledge that Daddy was ready to put on Christ in baptism some went ahead to the building of the Lebanon Church of Christ. A number of our family worships at Lebanon. One of my brother-in-laws is the local preacher for that congregation. They wanted to make sure the water was warm because Daddy is recuperating from four heart bypasses and needed the warm water. Satan tried to hinder us because the water was cold and the heater would not work. (1 Thessalonians 2:18) Arrangements were quickly made to go to the Glencoe Church of Christ where their baptistery was heated. About thirty-five or forty of our family gathered along with two elders from the Glencoe Church of Christ for the joyous occasion. There had been many times when we were in the Glencoe building but none brought greater joy than this. My mother, sister, and several other family members attended Sunday night services at the Glencoe Church of Christ for probably more than fifteen years. For many years Lebanon had only Sunday morning worship and no services on Sunday night. We feel close to the Glencoe brethren. We have also been there for Gospel Meetings, classes and other events. On those occasions not all of our family was present. There were at least four occasions when my parents, brother, sisters and myself were all together in the Glencoe building. But the last was the best. Jesus performed His first miracle at marriage feast in Cana of Galilee. (John 2) There he turned water to wine. The ruler of the feast made a statement about the wine Jesus made saying, “Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine, and when the guests have well drunk, then the inferior. You have kept the good wine until now!” (John 2:10) That is the way God works - “The best is saved till last.” This was true of the three great Bible ages. It is true of the Christian life. The best day, is the last day for a faithful Christian. It is also true of those visits to the Glencoe Church of Christ for our entire family. We were there for two weddings: We all gathered there when our youngest sister Vickie was married to Gary McCurdy. We also gather there when our nephew Jason Green married Cassie. Marriage is a wonderful blessing from God. Solomon wrote, “He who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor from the LORD.” (Proverbs 18:22) God’s blessings are upon godly Christian marriages. If you are not married, find a faithful Christian, stay married till death and serve God faithfully all your life together. The Bible stresses “oneness” is marriage. That is one of the many reasons as to why Christians should marry Christians. The one we marry can bless or hinder our spiritual lives. (Matthew 5:6) One of the keys to a happy home is for God to be in control in our homes. Without God in our homes we could only expect chaos. We were there for an anniversary celebration: We all gathered at the Glencoe Church of Christ as our parents celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary. My parents, Charles and Alma Box, have both spent years loving one another and being a blessing to their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and now even great-great grandchildren. We five children, Mary Goodwin, Charles Box Jr., Judy Green, Dannie Box and Vickie McCurdy have truly been blessed to have such wonderful parents. Love and laughter filled our home. We and our family are truly blessed to have Christian parents. We are especially blessed that our Mama stayed faithful to God and through her many have been blessed! (1 Peter 3:1-8) She is truly that beautiful lady describe in this text. Her godly life led my Daddy to the Lord! Her godly life had led sons, grandsons, and great-grandsons, even those who have married into our family to preach and teach God’s words. How wonderful that so many of her descendants are serving faithfully in the kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We were there for a baptism: We all gathered again at the Glencoe Church of Christ on Thanksgiving Day, November 27, 2003 to see our Daddy baptized into Christ. Jesus said, “He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.” (Mark 16:16) Though not a matter of our choosing (we would have wish it to happen years before) the best was truly saved for last. I do not know if our family will all ever be together in the Glencoe Church of Christ building again. But even if we should, I am not sure any day will compare with that when we heard our Daddy confess, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God” and we saw him buried in baptism and raised to a new life in Christ. Paul asked, “What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it? Or do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.” (Romans 6:1-4) How wonderful that our Daddy now has the hope of heaven. A special “Thank You” to all who had prayed for Daddy during his health problems, to all who had prayed for him spiritually and to those who had made an effort to encourage him to be a Christian. To my Mama and Daddy, I love you and am truly bless to be able to call you my parents! To others who know the truth, but have not obeyed, “And now why are you waiting? Arise and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord.” (Acts 22:16) By Charles Box, Walnut Street Church of Christ, 306 Walnut Street, Greenville, Alabama 36037 USA FUNERAL FOR CHARLES BOX SR. DECEMBER 5, 2008 FOR YOU HAVE A MANS STRENGTH The book of Judges tells the story of Gideon. His army of 300 was sent against the Midianite army that was made up of about 120,000 men. As he pursued them to Succoth, he had beaten many of them down. He had three hundred men that were with him. They were faint, yet pursuing them. However the men of Succoth would not provide them food saying, “Are the hands of Zebah and Zalmunna now in thine hand, that we should give bread unto thine army?” Gideon promised that upon his return when he had defeated Zebah and Zalmunna he would break down the tower of Penuel and teach the men of Succoth with thorns of the wilderness and with briers. He did both just as he had promised. Upon his return he had the two kings with him as prisoners. From Judges 8:20-21 we read a powerful statement that will be the basics of what I say about my Daddy today. “And he said unto Jether his firstborn, Up, and slay them. But the youth drew not his sword: for he feared, because he was yet a youth. Then Zebah and Zalmunna said, Rise thou, and fall upon us: for as the man is, so is his strength. And Gideon arose, and slew Zebah and Zalmunna, and took away the ornaments that were on their camels necks. (Judges 8:20-21) In the Bible in Basic English Judges 8:20-21sayd, Then he said to Jether, his oldest son, Up! Put them to death. But the boy did not take out his sword, fearing because he was still a boy. Then Zebah and Zalmunna said, Up! Put an end to us yourself: for you have a mans strength. Then Gideon got up and put Zebah and Zalmunna to death and took the ornaments which were on their camels necks. These men told Gideon “you have a mans strength. My Daddy had a mans strength when it came to physical labor. (Psalm 128:2) For thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands: happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee. (Genesis 3:19) In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. These are days when almost everybody wants something for nothing. So many people want the benefits of pay, but so few want to work and are willing to work. My Daddy had a mans strength when it came to work. His hands and body were strong and he did much physical work. My Daddy was a genius when it came to repairing things and seeing how to simply do things. He would buy a tractor or dozer that was in hundreds of pieces and put it back to together and in working order. His strength was amazing, even in his sickness. In a moment when he was not lucid he was pulling everything and so I was standing beside his bed in the middle of the night holding his hand. He pulled my hands so very hard and cracked my knuckles together several times. Then for a moment he was aware of what he was doing and he playfully acted like he was doing it again with that sweet smile on his face. He did it as if to playfully say, “See, I am still strong enough to do that!” My Daddy had a mans strength when it came to family responsibility. (Proverbs 18:22) Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD. (Ephesians 5:25) Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it. The union for life of one man and one woman is an ordinance of the Creator, for the continuance and happiness of the human race. Marriage is one man and one woman, not men with men. It does not matter how many states pass laws to the contrary, men with men is still an abomination to God. (Leviticus 18:22) Marriage was instituted in Paradise. (Genesis 2:18-24) Marriage is the valuable foundation for all that is good and reasonable in human society. I have read many books about marriage and the family. The best book that I ever read about marriage and family I read daily on that little hill on Rocky Ford Road. My Daddy loved my Mama with all his heart and she loved him with that same deep love. She spoiled that man with her love and he, likewise responded with a deep love for her. They loved each other more than they loved their own parents, though they sacrificed much for them and gave them tender loving care in old age. They loved each other more than they loved their children, even though they loved and supported them totally. Their love shined throughout life and especially the last few weeks of their life. They kissed and held hands and expressed their love to each other in the hospital. Mama had prayed that she could live long enough to take care of Daddy till his death and God answered her prayers. I do not know if God makes one special woman for each man or not, but it sure seems that they were made by God for each other. I am not sure how my siblings might feel about this or how others might feel, but one night recently at the hospital my Daddy was struggling and my Mama was trying to rest on a little cot beside his bed. I thought that it will be sad if he dies. Then I thought that if he should die during the night and I had to awaken my Mama to tell her about it that it would be a gift of God if her old, sweet heart could just stop beating too. What better than two people that love each other more than they love anyone else in the world leaving earth together to go home to God! It was not God’s will for that to happen, but I could easily have accepted that if it had been His will. Oh, how they loved each other! December 17, 2008 would have been their 66th Wedding Anniversary. My Daddy had a mans strength when it came to character and integrity. (Romans 12:17) Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. (2 Corinthians 8:21) Providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men. In the hospital I saw what was so typical of his entire life and that is that the only way to live is to be honest, to have character and integrity. He was at one of those moments when he was not lucid. During that time it looked like he was writing something, even though he had no pen or paper. He must have written and thought about this and figured on it for 15 or 20 minutes. After a time of figuring he called me over and showed me what he had written on the invisible paper. I looked and read it. (Smile) He said, Look at this; I owe them 11 more dollars. Take care of that ok? I assured him that his debt was paid. I stood there knowing that his debt was paid. When it came to integrity, honesty and decency he was a great example. My Daddy had a mans strength when it came to his spiritual life. (Mark 16:15-16) And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. (Matthew 10:22) And ye shall be hated of all men for my names sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved. It was a grief to me and to others in my family that he waited so long in life before he put on the Lord Jesus Christ. I, along with countless others prayed for him and a few of us tried to teach him the gospel. My happiest Thanksgiving Day ever was November 27, 2003 when he was baptized into Christ at the building of the Glencoe Church of Christ. Once he put on the Lord Jesus Christ he was faithful to his Lord! He and my Mama were faithful members of the Lebanon Church of Christ. He did what he could to honor God. During one of the early days after his injury he realized that it was Sunday and that he could not attend the services of the church. He said to my Mama with tears in his eyes Church. He realized that it was church time and he was crying because he could not go. My Daddy’s sight was bad so he and Mama read the Bible together each night. Just a few nights before his death at Riverview Hospital he said to her, Read. He wanted to hear the word of God read. I beg of you, if you are not a faithful member of the church of Christ do something about your soul now. Obey the gospel before it is too late. If you are unfaithful I beg you to be restored to Christ. A few days ago I was at my Mama and Daddys house alone. As I was leaving I walked though each room of the house and quietly prayed that God would let my Daddy come home. I so much wanted him to be at home and to walk. God did allow him to go home and I guess he is walking now! Lets go to heaven together. I want to say Thank you to my Mama and to Mary, Judy and Tom, Dannie and Lucille and Vickie and Gary for standing by my Daddy like you did. All of you did great! I wish I could have done more. I want to say a special thank you to Tom and all the others that were involved in helping Daddy on his farms and with his projects. Because of you he was able to continue doing many of the things that he enjoyed. Thank you! We owe a big “Thank you” to Jan for trying so hard to help Daddy walk. I also want to say “Thank you” to Larry Patterson for being my Daddy’s best friend. He love you man! Death at best is horrible. But my Daddy died in a wonderful way. He died with his family at peace and loving one another. He died surrounded by those that loved him, with his wife and children holding his hands. The only thing that could have been better would have been if he could have died at home instead of in the hospital. From the book of Zephaniah 3:17 I want to encourage all of you with these words: (1) The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; (2) He will save, (3) He will rejoice over thee with joy; (4) He will rest in his love, (5) He will joy over thee with singing. Our God is a mighty God and He is able to help. He will never forsake you. He will deliver you from trouble and help you. God has done His part in allowing us to be men and women of strength. He has provided salvation through Jesus. Man’s part, through small, is also necessary to reach heaven. Man must hear the gospel (Romans 10:17), believe in Jesus (John 8:24), repent of past sins (Acts 17:30), confess Jesus as Lord (Acts 8:36-37), be baptized for remission of sins (Acts 2:38) and live a Christian life (I Peter 2:9). Christ gave His blood to make your salvation possible. Be saved now! By Charles Box, Walnut Street Church of Christ, P.O. Box 551, Greenville, Alabama 36037 USA
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 13:32:19 +0000

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