HAPPY in Baile Herculane! The legend says that Hercules stopped - TopicsExpress


HAPPY in Baile Herculane! The legend says that Hercules stopped in the valley to bathe and rest. Later, the Roman aristocrats turned the town into a Roman leisure center. Six statues of Hercules from the time have been discovered. A bronze replica of one of them, molded in 1874, stands as a landmark in the town center. Legenda spune (si nu o sa o contrazicem noi...) ca Hercule insusi s-a oprit aici, in vale, ca sa se scalde in apele binefacatoare si sa se intremeze intre doua munci istovitoare. Mai tarziu, nobilii romani au transformat asezarea intr-un adevarat spa antic. In zona, au fost descoperite sase statui ale eroului legendar care a dat numele sau localitarii. Una dintre ele, a fost marita si copiata in bronz, in anul 1874 si pana astazi, a devenit un adevarat simbol al statiunii.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 00:16:17 +0000

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