HARD WORK AND DETERMINATION WORKS FOR ‘MATONG’ By: Jeffrey Khohlokoane Pictures: Henry George With current high unemployment, increasing food and fuel prices, providing for the basic needs of a family is becoming more and more difficult for many people in South Africa including thousands of Breede valley communities. Hard work, perseverance and passion, is what Johannes Monchu ‘Matong’ believes keep him focused in his furniture manufacturing and fixing business. He is one of many South Africans who are affected by retrenchment. Twenty years ago he was employed in a fishery in Capetown by an Israelite citizen. The company was liquidated, but fortunately he had something to fall on. His employer, who was also a furniture maker, would ask for his assistant on weekends. As a result he got extra money and a skill to produce furniture. Monchu said when the company closed down his employer asked him never to rely on someone for employment. With no formal training, Johannes has never looked back since that day. Pub and restaurant chairs, bungalows, doors, window frames and kennels are amongst the items that are produced at Monchu’s business. His clients include the most famous taverns and individuals of Zwelethemba. ‘I need to look out for new clients outside Worcester so that my business can prosper’ he said. His got a strong belief that if Government can intervene and provide skills programs and financial support to people like him and others they can excel in what they do. ‘Matong’ who is in his mid- fifties and a father of two children, has gone through hard times in life. In Capetown, his house and business premises were torched and lost a niece and a child. When he relocated in Zwelethemba several years ago, again his workshop was demolished by authorities due to municipal by-laws. He is using his house yard to do his business. This has negative impact on his work as the bad weather could compromise the quality of production. There is a lot of activity taking place at his workshop. Neighbours and youth and not forgetting clients are always around to chat or to purchase. The business has created one permanent and three casual jobs for school children during school vacations. Life has generally improved for ‘Matong’ as he can afford to put bread on the table for family. He can now make contributions to the household expenses and pay for children’s education. People like Johannes Monchu and others can show the world that with little courage it is possible stand up and succeed. When the first democratically elected government was voted into power, it introduced skills development program act. The objective is to overcome the shortage of skilled labour and contributing in addressing poverty and unemployment. It is now up to trade unions, local government and community leaders to inform and educate the unemployed and self-employed people, about the programs that seek to building sustainable economic growth.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 13:42:16 +0000

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