HARE KRISHNA VISITOR A certain Indian Sister of the Hare Krishna - TopicsExpress


HARE KRISHNA VISITOR A certain Indian Sister of the Hare Krishna faith came here to pay homage to the Holy Father after reading through the pamphlet titled "My Mission." As she came to see the Holy Father, she asked to pay her tithe and to know about the Holy Spirit. But I told her that I was not in the position nor was it my duty to tell her about the Holy Spirit. I advised her to become truly repentant and get baptized and then she will receive the Holy Spirit who should reveal Himself to her. Because of the kind of pride associated with the whites over things believed to originate from the blacks, she did not want to admit. As a white woman she gave a second thought to it and became confused. She returned to her home only to be directed again by the spirit to comply with the instructions given to her, to learn about Brotherhood of the Cross and Star and its Holy Spirit leadership. When she could resist no further, she had to come down and submit for baptism. After her baptism, she dared not ask any more questions again. She no longer doubted Brotherhood and the Holy Spirit. Even when I administered the Holy oil into her eyes, ears, mouth and anointed her head with the Holy water, she remained very quiet and never asked any more questions. The Blind Cannot Lead The Blind I am blind and you are also blind. All of us are handicapped and incapable of doing anything. Neither can we comprehend anything. It is the Holy Spirit alone who knows and comprehends everything. He has come and has assumed the rulership of the world. The task ahead of you and me is to go forth to the people of the world and preach that the Holy Spirit has come to lead every man unto the accurate knowledge of the truth. We are to bear witness about no other thing than the Holy Spirit. Moses, Adam, all the Angels and prophets had come and gone but the Holy Spirit who has now come is the greatest of them all. That is the reason I have told you that all of us should go and preach only but one thing. Hold fast and conceal in your heart that which has been revealed to you. Whatever had been revealed to you, conceal in your heart and tell it to no other person. If God so loves any other person in the world, He will also reveal Himself to such a person who will come to the same understanding as you do. If He does not like to reveal Himself to anyone, do not bother yourself, do not be disturbed. Let us all rise in concert and preach the same thing. His Name Is The Holy Spirit HE IS NOT JEHOVAH. HE IS NOT THE FATHER. HE IS NOT THE SON. HE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT WHO IS DOING ALL THE WORK. TAKE NOTE, DRAW YOUR EARS AND UNDERSTAND FULLY THAT HIS NAME IS THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THAT IS ALL YOU HAVE TO CALL HIM. WHOM DO YOU THINK THE FATHER WAS? WHO WAS THE SON? WHO IS THE HOLY SPIRIT? IT IS THE SAME GOD. DID YOU KNOW THAT IT IS ONLY THIS ONE BEING WHO MANIFESTS DIFFERENTLY WITH NEW NAMES AND AT VARIOUS PERIODS? A lot of you think that if you call Him the Holy Spirit, you have abused Him. You think that the name Holy Spirit is too demeaning and will not suit the mightiness and greatness He has assumed. If you deviate from calling Him the Holy Spirit, the testimonies borne about Him by our Lord Jesus Christ that He will be called the Holy Spirit, will not be made manifest. We have to call Him the Holy Spirit to fulfill the testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit Is The Doer Of All Things The trouble with many people is that they want to know who is directly responsible for these works, in our midst. If you claim that these works are done by a prophet, we will fall casualties of incoherent logic if it is asked, did the prophets of old ever accomplish this type of work? IF YOU CLAIM THAT IT IS THE SON WHO IS DOING THE WORKS, CAN YOU REFER TO AN INSTANCE WHEN THE SON WAS ABLE TO DO THIS TYPE OF WORK? OR IF YOU ARROGATE THESE MIGHTY WORKS TO MAN, SINCE THE CREATION OF MAN, HAS ANY MAN BEEN ABLE TO DO ANY PART OF THIS WORK? NO MAN, NO PROPHET, NO SON HAD BEEN ABLE TO DO THIS WORK EXCEPT THE HOLY SPIRIT. HE IS THE LORD OF LORDS AND KINGS OF KINGS. THUS, THE NEW NAME ASCRIBED TO HIM, IS HOLY SPIRIT. If you claim that these works are done by man, let us ponder over it thus. "How can this same man be seen in Calabar, Lagos, the United States, United Kingdom, India, Germany and all other places simultaneously?" In spite of this, many people argue that the whole affair has demonic tendencies and influences. Contemporary happenings have confounded human wisdom and the nakedness of the prudent has been exposed. In their futile attempt to comprehend, they concluded that it is beyond the realm of human knowledge. If these works were done by man, how will this confusion set in among the human race? Can the wisdom of one man surpass that of the totality of the human race? If you claim that those works are done by man. Mention one man who had been able to attain this omnipresent status. Can you find the power of what you are doing? It is just like giving seven million naira to a little child of seven and advising him to bank it. When the child eventually appears in the bank with such a fabulous amount, will the bank officials not question where he had taken the money? And even if he explains that it is his own money, they will never believe. Further investigation will prove the true ownership of that money. Similarly, if you claim that it is man who does these works, people will not let your statement go unquestioned. They would like to verify the reliability of that assertion. How can it be that the same person is seen simultaneously and lavishly at all places. If you argue that these works are done by man, how can this same man possess the traits of being present in the sun, in water, in the stars and in all planes? The same man is found doing the same works and even in greater dimension, displaying the same supernatural powers, in all these places. For this reason when you claim that these works are done by man, the world wonders what manner of man he should be. It is for this reason that you are told to call a spade a spade. That is also the reason why I have presented this lesson to you in sequential order, starting with the promises made by our Lord Jesus Christ that the Holy Spirit, even the Comforter, will come, to teach and guide us to the accurate knowledge of the truth. The Comforter is the name of the Holy Spirit. Let our second lesson be read once again. BY LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU THE SUPERNATURAL TEACHER, AND SOLE SPIRITUAL HEAD OF THE UNIVERSE BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR Excerpt from the gospel:THE ERA OF THE HOLY SPIRIT
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 21:44:17 +0000

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