HARI OM A - TopicsExpress


HARI OM A SYNDROME OF DUAL POWER STRUCTURE Vivekanand Jha Rajnath should not contest from Lucknow as it will reflect of dual leadership in BJP. Rajnath Singhs latent intention to contest from Lucknow is an indication that he too remains in the contention for Prime minister job. And what but the legacy of Vajpayee will cement his claim for the same in the event of Modi failing to muster above 200 seats in this impending election. In the hustle and bustle of AAPs barbarious attack on the BJP office in Ashoka road on the pretext of protesting against a feigned arrest of Kejriwal, another important news of Rajnaths ostensible intention to contest from Lucknow assumed a back state. However, the gavity of the news as reported by the press, assumes a colossal significance in view of utter uncertainty afflicting the polity in the post-phase election of 2014. And Rajnath Singh, himself being a seasoned politician, had shrewdly thrown his hats in the ring while apparently projecting Modi as the BJPs Prime ministerial candidate, but still keeping a contingency plan ready for his own coronation once Modi is denied that prized position due to BJP not succeeding to muster the requisite numbers of at least above 200 seats and someone other than Modi can fit the bill of the allies who would like to extend the support to anyone other than him( Modi) A report appeared in a national daily barely a couple of months ago when Rajnath was reported to have sounded to Amit Shah, a close aid of Modi who is looking after UP on his behalf, about his desire to contest the election from UP. Rajnath had said this in the backdrop of the report that Modi too, was planning to contest from UP, purportedly from Uttarpradesh. Rajnath was reported to have said that both the Prime ministerial candidate and the Party president should not logically contest from the same state, Amit Shah, on hearing it, had just concurred with Rajnaths opinion.but had not given any further hint. Now, when Rajnath is making up his own mind to contest from Lucknow, leaving his existing constituency, Ghaziabad, it is indeed a matter of big concern for the party, especially Modi, as Rajnaths contesting from Lucknow, has to do with the precious legacy of BJPs hitherto tallest leader, Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Had Rajnath chosen some other constituency, possibly it would have meant little or no consequence to anyone, however, as the key decision to contest from Lucknow has to do with Atals legacy, it suddenly assumes a greater significance that why rajnath has set his mind on Vajpayees constituency by unseating Lalji Tandon, an incumbent BJP MP? What message does Rajnath want to convey to the party and the larger segments of allies about this sudden political move? Could it be that Rajnath is seriously throwing his hat too in the ring for the Prime ministerial role in the event of uncertainty when looking beyond Modi would be a necessity and his contesting from Lucknow, might be a flaunting an additional credential which could enable him to outsmart other rivals like Sushma, Jaitley and even Advani? Rajnath knows that Lucknow, given its considerable Muslim vote, will be reluctant to vote for Modi and therefore he can easily lay his claim over it by setting aside Lalji Tandon, relatively a lesser player, and even transferring it to some other constituency. Rajnaths contemplating of such a move is bound to raise serious eyebrows about the timing of the move which will not be interpreted in a positive light within the BJP, especially those who are close to Modi for the following reasons. Rajnath is solely credited to have nominated Modi for the highest post when BJP has no credible face accept him--even rejecting Advanis demand to delay the announcement. Modi has been endeavouring to fit himself in the role of Vajpayees successor and he has been highly successful on this issue: The first thing that Modi did after being nominated as PM candidate was to pay a visit to Ataljees house to seek his blessings. And thereafter, virtually in every meeting he has been swearing by Vajpayee to emulate his grand steps if he is voted to the power. If anyone who truly deserves to carry on the legacy of Mr Vajpayee, it is none but Mr Modi. On the other hand, if Laljee Tandon contests from Lucknow, it would hardly raise any eyebrow, for Laljee is an incumbent MP, and his political stature has never been of such significance that it could be construed that he poses any threat to Modi, however, Rajnaths contesting from there, will surely have political repercussions even if it is done in good faith as Ghaziabad presents a predicament for Mr Singh and may eventually prove to be his political nemesis. The first message that will go to both the party men as well as the allies, that BJP, even though with the best of intentions, has a dual power centre led by Modi and another by Rajnath. Secondly, the message conveyed would be that, BJP by itself is not sure of its Prime ministerial candidates potential, has kept its contingency plan ready. Thirdly, the insiders as well as outsiders, will have an assessment that dual power structure has come to stay in BJP and therefore, its very campaign focused on Modi, will get scattered if not totally scuttled. Fourthly, it would even be interpreted that Rajnath, to counter Advani, has taken this recourse that in the event of confronting Advani he can readily flaunt his Atals legacy. In view of the above reasons, it is highly desirable that Rajnath Singh, even if he had made up his mind to contest from Lucknow, should immediately opt for other constituency to avoid any semblance of an internal rift or impression of duality of power structure. His decision in this regard would be applauded not only by the BJP, but by the people of India who look upon Modi as the nations undisputed leader in the wake of general election of 2014. Rajnath Singh has already been a script writer for BJP by catapulting Modijee on to the centre stage and therefore he should not do anything to betray his kingmakers role. Let history judge him as one of the illustrious BJP Presidents who nominated the most efficient and competent leader as his partys Prime ministerial nominee. Jai Hind
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 07:01:30 +0000

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