HARI OM Natwars gladiatorial Avatar - TopicsExpress


HARI OM Natwars gladiatorial Avatar Vivekanand Jha Natwar Singhs spilling the beans on Gandhi familys closely guarded secrets since decades, although is debatable on ethics of propriety, yet it unambiguously is an act of great patriotism to educate the nation about the real Sonia. Natwar Singhs revelations coming after the major political storm caused by the book written by Sanjay Baru, strives to raise the curtain on inside of the glass ceilings of 10 Janpath which, till Sanjay Baru had taken the first step, appeared almost like the mystery of the universe, now stands substantially demystified in the wake of the latest bombshell dropped by none other than the closest family member, ex- foreign minister, Mr Natwar Singh . The persona of Sonia Gandhi, which remained an enigma to the people outside the inner circle of her close lieutenants, almost came tumbling out of the skeletons at the first brush of Natwar Singh, as Barus efforts did raise the hackles but still failed to stir the hornets nest. The moot point that this latest book of Natwar Singh,One life is not enough is: How Sonia Gandhi chose to be-fool this whole nation in collusion with her son--enacting the biggest ever drama on renunciation of the highest throne when the matter was entirely--otherwise. This whole farce that Sonia enacted on this country vindicates the fact that her overall estimate of the Indian peoples brain was petty and inferior to her own European intelligence and, therefore, she let her family compulsion to relinquish the premiership pass off as her supreme sacrifice. But then, is Sonia to be faulted for her condescending attitude towards the Indian masses when she could see that how credulously the people in India took her compulsion as a sacrifice? The explanation is simple: staying in India, she began sensing this countrys servile mentality which manifested in the election of the members of Gandhi family decade after decade. And, in fact, she had reasons to believe that how foolishly and devoutly Indian masses applauded the members of Gandhi- Nehru family when her own husband without any credible credentials could be propelled on to post of a Prime minister when many stalwarts of the party were left languishing and cooling their heels . The fawning attitude of her party men who, when simply asked to bend, started crawling, almost boosted her perception of Indians being the fools who will believe what they are being asked to believe without questioning the logic and rationality of the whole thing. Later, rather in a bizarre and the manner putting all sense of decency and decorum in abeyance, the veteran Sitaram Kesri was booted out by all colluding CWC members, some of whom were inducted by Kesri himself( Madhav Rao Scindhia was one among them) who, in their utter wisdom, turned overnight into his detractors and unabashedly sided with Sonia. What lesson Sonia would have learnt from this whole episode?: Indians were the same as they were during the British rule when Mirjafar had sided with Robert Clive by sabotaging Sirajuddaulah when he was his trusted aid But then, the question arises: did she know the Indian history which is replete with all traitors who sided with British to enable them to rule over India? And even if she didnt, she must have wondered that ruling India was her birth right and, therefore, she should have it in both hands. And she grabbed the presidential position of the party like the common men and women of this country are inheriting their paternal property. The conviction of Sonia about Indian docility and servility was so profound that she maneuvered to form the government once Vajpayee government lost the vote of confidence in Lok Sabha in 1998 but Mulayam proved to be a willy guy who spoiled her party. But her real moment of reckoning came when in 2004 general election, the country rejected Vajpayees regime but did not, also, give her the mandate to rule. However, the upright Vajpayee resigned and declined to form the NDA government. UPA, with nine seats ahead of BJP resolved to form the government. And here Sonia had a tryst with the destiny of India: she chose to play the biggest ever drama of power renunciation to the gallery with her son shedding the crocodiles tears over his mothers Buddha like renunciation. Manmohan Singh was propped up as a dummy candidate for the post of a PM purportedly as a result of an unprecedented sacrifice by Sonia Gandhi who, as a result of giving up her throne, overnight became the darling of the masses. Everything would have remained secret and far withdrawn from the public domain had Congress chosen to treat Natwar Singh in a decent manner, who, later turned a heretic on being slighted, finally chose to avenge his humiliation of being labeled as a tainted scamster and unceremoniously shown the door. Why did Signora Sonia choose to dump a man who knew all her secrecy and could bring the whole dynasty to shame and disgrace, especially when her own party, too, was involved in a oil for food scam in Iraq, remains still a mystery? Could she not have absolved her family friend as she insulated her own party from the given scandal by ensuring that the necessary documents never reached its desired end?( as Natwar claims in his book --source India Today) Natwar must have been waiting for his opportune moment, and the opportunity of non- Congress rule and the biggest nemesis of the Sonia Gandhi, Narendra Modi, a strong man presiding over the polity, provided him the same with a grandiose chance to unleash his Brahmaashtra of destroying his biggest friend -turned enemy who, playfully, destroyed his whole life time reputation by handing him a single stroke of arbitrary judgment. Natwar could not have been faulted for being instrumental of letting all the privacy of the first family to spill over in the public domain, for the grief that struck him was too heavy to be forgotten or being consigned to the backyard of his memory, or it being given a decent burial once and for all. On the contrary, playing a forgiving role to his erstwhile friend for all her acts and omissions for the slight and the humiliation meted out to him was too big and heart- burning for him. Hence, he chose to go ahead with all his stunning revelations that, now, could prove to be the beginning of the end of the Nehru- Gandhi dynasty as even the ground reality has begun to prove--Janardan Dwivedys latest salvo at the family is a clear vindication of the fact that the wind is invariably moving towards that direction and an ex- CWC members suggestion that Gandhis take a break from politics for two years, was another nail in the family coffin. The question that many political pundits are asking is: whether Natwar Singh was right in leaking the many confidentiality of the family which trusted him so intimately till a bitter fall out happened. The reason appears to be simple: the question of propriety is a matter of principle and individualistic, however, the moot point that crops up in the wake of this revelations is: Natwar has indeed done a great service to the nation by telling who Sonia really is? The mechiavellian side of her character, her dictatorial style of functioning and her own whimsicality in brushing aside the ethics and morality by superimposing her own whims( instance of how Kaunda, a respectable leader from South Africa, was shifted to hotel Oberoi as per her instruction) were some of the other key features that Natwar had aptly described in his upcoming book. Consequently, her draping Saris around herself in perfect Bahu style and reminding the countrymen about the sacrifices that her family members have made, now logically will cease to have any tangible appeal unless Natwar Singh is proved otherwise. People of India have come to know the real Sonia behind the glass ceiling and for which Natwar in his new gladiatorial avatar indeed deserves a thank you note from the people of India. Nation awaits his book now as well as its sequel in 2015. Jai Hind
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 18:46:26 +0000

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