HARMONY BETWEEN YOUR DESIRE, THOUGHTS AND WORDS Most people overlook this important principle of the Universal Law of Attraction... There must be harmony between your wish and your thoughts/self-talk and your words. As always, it all comes down to your thinking. Many people talk about a certain goal they wish to attain and they may talk about it constantly and very convincingly. Yet, when you listen carefully to their story you often will find a negative aspect that totally negates their fervent wish; something like: but I’ll never have the money; I don’t have the education; I’m too old/too young; That is just not possible, etc. Privately they may even pray to their god for help, but month after month after year nothing happens. Why? Because there is no harmony between their wish, their thoughts and their words. I would like to give you an example... Many years ago I knew a family of 4 people, mother, father and 2 children. They were practicing Christians and they lived in a very small house. Whenever I would meet this couple, the conversation inevitably would come around to their favourite subject... how they had only one dream, one wish, the thing they prayed to God for constantly… to own a bigger house. They would repeat this to anyone else they met. However, this statement of wanting a bigger house invariably was followed by… but there is just no way, we’ll never be able to afford a bigger house. Can you clearly see the striking contrast, the destructive disharmony, between their wish and what they actually believed in their hearts/minds? Their desire and their thoughts/their self-talk and their spoken words simply didn’t harmonize. What they thought and said, their true belief, was very much stronger than their wish and stronger than their prayers. When I last met them, they were still living in their tiny house. The sad part is that most people negatively program their subconscious mind so strongly that even if an opportunity for their wish were to be presented to them on a silver platter, they would not be able to recognize the opportunity. Our lives are governed, totally dominated by Rules. In everything there are do’s and don’t’s. And the above subject is no exception… Rule 1. Believe that it is absolutely possible for your wish/desire to come true Rule 2. Brainwash/self-hypnotise yourself every day, through mantras, as often as possible Rule 3. Action! Work at your wish and work towards it Rule 4. In your mind’s eye see it, feel it, taste it. Rule 5. You now have created your wish in Spirit Form; your wish has become a strong desire Rule 6. Once you have created it in Spirit Form, Rules 1, 2 and 3 become even more important Rule 7. You need to totally believe that you will have it/be it; you need patience, determination and persistence. Our wishes and prayers are answered only when they harmonize with our thoughts Gods (whichever god you believe in) don’t work for you; they work through you 12 March 2014
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 02:03:11 +0000

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