HARVEST TIME TO KEEP ON SOWING TO THE BODY OF CHRIST TAKEN YEARS AFTER YEAR TO GROW THIS MUCH!! VERY SPECIAL: MY ENCOURAGEMENT: WROTE THREE YEARS AGO!! THE GIFT OF WRITING FROM HEART!! I was looking through the letters that I wrote in the past and only for the last two to three years I have sent more than 600 letters out..I dont know why I write so much and if you had the heart like mine, can YOU write that much but I wrote for 8years long so I dont know how much more numbers of letters I send out..I do remember a point in my life when I did receive somethings from a group of fams. back then and each time I would see a devotion or even words of encouragement in my inbox, my eyes would light up with a smile up to my ears..People who doesnt receive but only gives..sometimes I do feel like if I am doing the rite thing from time to time..Am I truly encouraging others, my heart is not for myself but to bring others closer to Father God and I would even share with some people who are very close with me..I just wanted to share that All I am Tryin to do is ENCOURAGE others through what is given to me by Father God Lord Jesus Christ and using in his name to GLORIFY him..And as many times I told the fams. I just hope that you guys truly understand my intentions and my heart to make you smile..When I was in GPS..I do remember those days when I would receive things from the fams. THey would write about their thoughts or show us at that time when hit them through the verses and AS the time went by, it began to die down but I was never giving up writing for God..It took me a long time to reach to this point and most times when things die down, you begin to think that I should also stop writing as well but there is something inside of me that kept on telling me DONT GIVE UP..Even tho the group disappeared but the ONLY ONE that still remains with me is JEsus Christ my LORD and Savior who is with me..I always felt that in my heart and also believed that is True to TODAY..As I see that I am still tryin to encourage others and kept on pushing through the different levels of my life and through the different storms which in times it was so hard to handle..I know that God lives becuz of the Scriptures, His HOLY WOrds can change lives and put FIRE in your Hearts to keep on standing tall and to follow his footsteps..I have seen many things that I witness with my own eyes living it up from the childhood of being rich to being broke..In the street corners of people tryin to kill each other and to a new stage into life where Father God called me in to be his child..Many nights I would try to think of something to share and as I a group of new great leaders coming into my life and through the Good Book I am still tryin to share my FAITH in God but also to remind you to keep on looking Towards Father God..The weekdays are long and week and we to forget about Jesus from the time to time and thas why I begin to write to you guys all so that we can all go learn and grow together as ONE..I would like to share with you my fams. a testimony and how it all begin to become a writing ministry and no, it aint about the eyes on me..Less of me and More of Father God..I member growing up in a nice area in Plano when I was going to elementary school, I was begining school and I was a very very shy kid..I was also in the corner and didnt lift up my head..I was not active with other classmates and they would always pick on me cuz I did not talk..As the time went on, i became very lonely and had no friends, I member many nights I would pray through the open curtins of my window to have friends and I would touch my tears, My heart was broken cuz only thing that was my friend was a dog which always kissed me on my cheeks..One night, I found a paper in front of my desk and I begin to write what I feel inside..A diary that I would take around to share my thoughts whenever I was going through so much..The pencils would break, My fingernails would bleed cuz of writing and writing and for awhile I got tired of writing..From a diary to a notebook will be filled with my thoughts and I stopped after 2years of writing..WHen I hit 8years old I begin to write again and for few more years went by and I got creative..the movies I watched and the writing became my passion, it became a part of me that I can carry for the rest of my life..I even wrote through the GPS times..I even wrote through the Peacezone times..I even wrote when I was in Indiana and even when I came back to Dallas I am still chasing what my heart fills up with Fire..One thing is that When i was like 16years, my parents bought me a computer, and thas when I begin to think about I write all this down on the paper..Lets try to type out the words and it would be my VOICE..In the begining it was realli about me until I met some nice people who are my family..They asked me with all this I have the heart for on writing..Why dont you use it to GLORIFY FATHER GOD..How did this become a ministry, before it was all about ME myself and I, but when I look at the Goodbook and it becomes less of me and More about the Father God, I know in my heart that is will bring Father God the Smiles and also would Glorify him..I dont know how many of you guys understand what Passion means..is it your own strong desires you have but when you give it all to God..It is now MY Passion for Jesus Christ to write on his behalf..I have been going through many falls, up and downs like a roller coaster but it never brought me down to stop pursueing God..Everyone here has a beautiful story..If God brough you in as his CHild, there is always the begining to the love story that he gives you..The love story about how a Father loves his Child..I started to write when I was young..I was never liked by people and they wanted to always destroy me for no reason..I was picked and mocked, I was shot at by people and got jumped too..SO when you face the world alone without any kind of love and you are fearin to love others but when you put your heart and give your life to the One who truly deserves it the most..Jesus Christ will rescues you from the burning grounds of this world..I am Saved..and my testimony is pretty long cuz it was a War living it up..But I know that now Father God Lord Jesus Christ can give me the peace..I had to share to encourage you guys all..That You are not alone in the end cuz God is with you always..Believe and call onto his name..I hope that you guys can smile through what I can share..In the Name of Jesus CHrist I write..Amen..thanks for listening DJ..> VERY SPECIAL REACHING OUT WROTE THREE YEARS AGO!! Book Of John: (All this I have told you so that you will not go astray. They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God. They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me. I have told you this, so that when the time comes you will remember that I warned you. I did not tell this at first because I was with you. Now I am going to him who sent me, yet none of you asks me, Because I have said these things, you are filled with grief. But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgememnt: in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me; in regard to righteouness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; and in regard to judgement, because the prince of this world now stands condemned. I have much more to say to you, ore than you can now bear. But when he, the SPirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the SPirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you. In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me.) Thank you Father God Lord Jesus Christ for your Powerful words and your Powerful Messages..Praise Him! and Amen..> In My Own words: You can see that the time is very near for our Lord Jesus Christ hitting the Cross soon..He states in a little while you will see me no more and then after a little while you will see him..You can see that Jesus is still talking going to the garden to pray..Jesus is keep on reminding his disciples that he will be leaving soon away from earth to his Father but he is always there..The reason why he keeps on telling them this so that they would not get lost but to be together meaning not to go astray..Now he begins to share about the Holy Spirit and how that can be a help in their lives..The SPirit reminds them the Truth and only speaks the Truth and shows you the Truth..When Jesus leaves here..he tells them that it is good that he goes cuz now he can send a helper or a Counselor which can be the light to shine the path which they are all walking in..It will convict the world so that the guilt can be seen through the eyes of the sinners..The Spirit that comes into the followers lives..it will guide you to the truth and it will bring Jesus Christ the glory cuz of the righteousness..What I can share with you my fams. is this..I dont know how many people think this helps when I am posting all of Book of John out to you guys to read it..Even I am sharing what I am learning through the teachings of Jesus Christ through the reading of this book and from someone who is guiding me to the truth..Like how I shared before..I am just tryin to remind you that Jesus LIVES and he is here with us today working in our lives..He told us that he will never abandon us like orphans..If this helps you to remind who Your Father God is and what he means to you..Jesus gets the GLory becuz I am taking my time to share what the SPirit is doing in my life and it is bringing out the Truth so that you may see..It is better to read it alone during your QT times cuz the Words hit you up cuz it is the LIVING WOrds from our Heavenly Father God..I cannot do much, only the Spirit the leads you to the truth can spark you in the inside and heals your soul..I am only a brother in Christ who just wants to be a part of a family in Christ..I am only a member and only am a human being but my HEART wants to seek the truth and if you been here all along with me..You seee the Messages clear speaks..Reach out!! Encourage One ANother and Love one Another..If you Love one another what do you do..You bring him the good news and wants to share your Faith in Christ..All I can say is that Jesus is My Life..and you can see through the Brothers heart what he is doing..The whole message is abouts when you beleive and love the Lord Jesus Christ with your all hearts..He will grant you what you are wishing for..He will send you the counselor so that in your journey walk with Christ..His foot prints that you are steppin on..you become one with him cuz you are walkin with him..The Counselor is there to guide you to the truth..When the Spirit of Truth comes into your life..You begin to have Heart and you will take Heart cuz you know the truth about who Jesus is and you will fall in Love with your Father..I hope that this message can truly encourage you and I hope that you can all smile..Thanks for listening DJ..> VERY SPECIAL REACHING OUT WROTE THREE YEARS AGO!! Book Of John: Some of his disciples said to one another, (What does he mean by saying,In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me, and Because I am going to the Father?) They kept asking, (What does he mean by a little while? We dont understand what he is saying.) Jesus saw that they wanted to ask him about this, so he said, (Are you asking one another what I meant when I said, In a little while you will see me no more and then after a little while you will see me? I tell you the truth, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy. A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world. So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy. In that day you will no longer aske me anything. I tell you the truth, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete. Though I have been speaking figuratively, a time is coming when I will no longer use this kind of language but will tell you plainly about my Father. In that day you will ask in my name. I am not saying that I will ask the Father on your behalf. No, the Father himself loves you because you have loved me and have believed that I cam from God. I came from the Father and entered the world; now I am leaving the world and going back to the Father.) Then Jesus disciples said, ( Now you are speaking clearly and without figures of speech. Now we can see that you know all things and that you do not even need to have anyone ask you questions. This makes us believe that you came from God.) Jesus answered (You believe as last! But a time is coming, and has come, when you will be scattered, each to his own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me. I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.) Praise to the King our Lord Jesus Christ and GLORIFY HIM!! Amen..> In My Own Words: I have couple of more chapters to go before this Book of John ends..it feels like this is the last time Jesus is teaching his disciples and even you guys my fams. as well..You see that Jesus is talking about when the grief turns into a joy because Jesus Christ overcomes the world and takes our sins away..You can see that in this message that the Disciples are all confused and they just cant ask Jesus about what it means when Jesus departs and how he comes back to see them..Of course Jesus knows all of our deep thoughts, dark hearts and he tells all of this about a woman in a labor going through some pains..through the process she aches but once the baby is born into this world..the pain goes away cuz of the joy looking at her new born baby..Such as our sins puts us into misery, and takes everything away from us cuz it destroys and crupts our minds but When Jesus Christ hits the cross and dies..the world will rejoices and the disciples will scatter away from the fears and away leaving Jesus alone but When Jesus comes back to LIFe and the sins he carries on his shoulders and perishes away..He has overcome the WORLD and won victory for all mankind..We will all should smile and be joyful in our Savior cuz Now we are set free and have Life in Heaven..I guess for awhile the disciples still didnt get it until the end when they figure it out that he is GOD..Thats when Jesus smiles at last that they finally understood who he truely is and I want you my fams. to realize that it is not only the disiciples that he is talkin to but YOU guys all that he has broken the SPell and WON V.I.C.T.O.R.Y for all of us as well..The one that caught my attention and that I put it in my heart is the last versus of this chapter 16..I Have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But TAKE HEART! I have OVERCOME the WORLD.. This versus is a beautiful verse that you should always put it in your hearts when you find the troubles of your life cuz this makes you smile cuz you know who won this battle our Lord Jesus Christ Savior..I know that I have spent couple of months typing this Book and soon the book will end but in my heart, I do wish to share another book out to you guys so that you can smile and be encouraged..Only thing that I can give is writing from my heart to make you guys see my true heart of sharing when our Father God means to me..Thank God for this powerful Holy Bible..His Story..His Love Letters..His way of bring us home..His Love through Jesus Christ to die for our sins..Amen and Praise Father God Lord Jesus Christ..thankz for listening DJ..> VERY SPECIAL REACHING OUT WROTE THREE YEARS AGO!! Book Of JoHn: (Jesuss Prayer For all) After Jesus said this, he looked toward heaven and prayed: (Father, the time has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you. For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true GOD, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do. And now, Father, gorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began. I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world. They were yours; you gave them to me and they have obeyed your words. Now they know that everything you have given me comes from you. For I gave them the words you gave me and they accepted them. They knew with certainly that I came from you, and they believed that you sent me. I pray for them. I amnot praying for the world, but for those you have given me, for they are yours. All I have is yours, and all you have is mine. And glory has come to me through them. I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming toy ou. Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name- the name you gave me- so that they may be one as we are one. While I was with them, I protected them and kept them safe by that name you gave me. None has been lost except the one doomed to destruction so that Scripture would be fulfilled. I am coming to you now, but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them. I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world anymore than I am of the world. My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. For them I sanctify myself, that they too may be truyl sanctified. My Prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world. Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. I have made you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.) This is the MOST Powerful Prayer you can ever put it in your hearts cuz this came out from the words of Father God Lord Jesus Christ..It is amazing and it is so beautiful the way Jesus Christ Loves you and every believer in the world.. In My Own Words: (My Prayer) Heavenly Father God, the words that hits my heart..the words that and even this powerful prayer, I do want to tell you how much I thank you for praying for each one of us..As for yourself..As for your disciples and even for us who are the believers of you..Father God..You know my heart and the passion for writing..Even tho I never received the things I am doing from others sendin me letters..but you have sent someone in my life to fulfill this work on BOOK OF JOHN..My teacher and I would take time reading your words so that I may grow closer to you and through this special bond from your specil child who puts so much time and heart of teaching me..I thank you deeply that I would cry in my sleep for this to happen to me in my life..Father God, Now as a servent..As a friend..and even your son..I am takin so much time to express this prayer out to you..You have given me a chance to share this Beautiful story about yourself in the human for to take ouur sins away..Now I am a part of your family cuz my heart as a writer keeps on pressing on for you..Because you gave me a teacher who teaches me many nights..And even a sister who has told me to share something from the bible..I have kept my words and my promise Father God..It is so challengin in times when I know that there are people who can have dark hearts towards me but you can see that my heart does not break away from you becuz this is how much I LOVE YOU Father God Lord Jesus CHrist..I am starting very little at this point as for my writing ministry..Your words, my words put together As ONE..Like how Jesus is in Father and how Father is Jesus and Now You in Me..Maybe Satin is always having plans tryin to destroy me through using people to attack my soul but as long as you keep your promise that you will keep me safe..I will keep on pursuin till I hit to the moutain tops..The weridest thing is that I never been to college..I am not a bible study teacher or even a group leader and yet you put something into my heart to spark something out..Not I am shootin to reach and to teach someone out there who wants to take their time to listen..I know that you love me as much I love you..That is the main purpose why I am doing this for you..Now, I tell myself..As long as it is you to be GLORIFIED..Please help me to proceed of reaching others Father God...I see your Passion for all mankind..I see the greatest LOVe you can teach us and it is not just through one way..Many things you showed us but the most important is the Cross and the bloodsheddin for US..Now since you left the world and we are still in the world but not of the world..Those with the FIry Hearts for you..GIve them the strenght and the motivetion you gave me to keep on going and growin in you to be like you..My Heart is to reach as many brothers and sisters in Christ through the writing as for now but I know that you have a greater plan and purpose you will fill me up and even to my fams. who is out there having the same heart..We ALL LOVE YOU FATHER GOD and I do Always thank you for these powerful messages which it teaches me to hang on and to be ENCOURAGED..I LOVE YOu..In the Christ I Pray AMEN...thanks for listening DJ VERY SPECIAL: MY ENCOURAGEMENT: WROTE THREE YEARS AGO!! LIKE GODS LOVE!! What is Gods Purpose in this world? He has created man from a scratch in his own image of the way he wanted us to look..Why would he created man and woman when he is nothing but the definition of what truely LOVE is and we are nothing but sinners filled with HATE..Adam and Eve was perfect the way god created them and the only reason why he didnt destroy satin cuz of the test he wanted to see if we will fail god or not..thas how the story begin in the world..Nothing but GOOD versus evil and the funny thang ish..I am not a pastor or dont come close of being a minister but i know what i learned and has seen to many things in the world that is filled with hatred and can compare with the goodiness what god has to offer us..what was the passion for christ..if you look at the old testament itself..you see how we needed animals..not just any but sheeps and lambs to say that i need to be clean..Jesus was the lamb that everyone in the old testament made a sacrifice to god sayin i am a sinner and please renew my heart as clean and white as snow..I guess at that time..too many people were doing so many evil things..noahs ark didnt work so here comes jesus christ and other fallen soldiers who tried to be like christ..many has tried but still they all failed..God wanted to be with us..he wanted to touch us..he wanted to love us and show what he can do to teach us about GRACE and salvation that we truely needed..So what i believe is that he came down as a one flesh and blood..He was born as a child just like all of us and had to learn our ways..He had sympathy and compassion....Now when i look at his heart..noone cannot have the heart as pure as christ..He had no bad intentions or any kind of motives of hurting any kind of people..All the crime lords..drug dealers..Pimps and hustlers..Even prostitues were seen..Even hypocrites and priest who think they know god..most of those people are the most dangerous amount people who dont believe in christ cuz those were the liers and hated common people..the wealthy and the riches among who took money away from the offerings..the tax payers stealin money from the government..When jesus arrived and started his thang..he was just a poor guy and most people didnt believe him being the messiah..When i look at gods story of reaching out..he wasnt doing for any kind of reputation..not tryin to be the popular guy or for the fortunate fame and greed..thas why he is the source..he was the most talk about in that time period..Everyone knew who christ was and was bigger than any star out there..Most people expected jesus to be wealthy and had education of some kind of degree to make him look nice..but it was totally the opposite what people saw..thas why it is the passion he had..Not being poor but cuz of the heart he had for his people..When you look at who he was reaching out to was..Not the riches and the wealthy ones..The poor people who was dying and who needed a shelter to live..The starving kids..people who had a medical problems that needed the healings..Those who needed the faith and was lost like a sheep..All those who were thirsty for christ and wanted to drink..He was there to cure..to protect..to serve..to heal..to encourage through his tongue..he would speak from the heart and touch those who wanted to listen..Rasin up the dead..blinds can see and the weaks are stronger than before..he got baptized before he started to proceed with his work and the work was complete..before he died on the cross..Christ said that someone will reject him 3 times..It was peter who did but when Jesus resurrected and proofed that he is god..he stayed with his troops for 40 days before he went back up to the sky..He only had very small numbers believed in him but the faith of peter got strong and he became one of the most powerful speakers for god..You know that god died on the cross for all becuz he didnt want to shed no more tears for us..He wanted to show us that he cares and thas why it is written in the bible about the miracles he did to show us a lil things of himself..When the judgement day comes..He will open a book of life in the end..the place will look like a trial and God will open his mouth of our sins..he will judge you accordin to the wrongs versus the rites..He can spare a life or take you off the list of going to heaven or not so it is a scary feeling when that day comes cuz we dont have any plans of rottin in earth..I would like to share a true story about a selfish person and it might move your heart..A woman is about 80yrs of age and was living with her only son..This man was filled with hate and would do anything to go wrong on a path he lives..the womans son was nothing but a trouble making and the old woman would cry many nights about how he can change..He didnt go to church but came home drunk most nights..he had no job and she doesnt no what he does to drink all the time..One night..a huge arguement hit up the two..The son would scream at his mother and would curse her out..the old woman couldnt do anything but to fall tears in front of his eyes..The son looked at her and couldnt see the tears so he left the house in maddiness but with tears too..Walkin alone he saw the stars and made him smile a lil..The son didnt come home and the old woman was worried..several weeks went by and a call came from a police station..The old woman ran to the police station to see how her son was doing..The officer told her that the guy was at a bar and got realli drunk..there was a fuss between the owner and the son and the son began to fight with him as he put the ownwer on the ground..Had a bad reputation of fightin alot too..As the officer kept on talkin..the son owed him alots of money..the other grills and bars the son went also..he had to owe them money as well..the list kept on gettin bigger as even gas station he also owed..karoke bars..even clubs and night clubs..the list became a book and the old woman asked the officer if she can have the book so she can visit her son and the owners as well..the owners started to sue her son so the son had to stay in jail for awhile..The old woman started to cried as she walked down to the bars..each grills and clubs..over 1000 stores askin for the forgiveness about her son..she would say that she would pay for the cost and even if she has to sell her home away..the only home she owned as a property and live in the streets..just for her son she would pay for the price..the son came out and he asked why did she bail him out..She said Becuz YOU are my Son and thas HOW much I LOVE YOU SON..thas the heart you needs to know..The son started to cry as he stopped drinking and went to church to believe in GOD..If you look at this story..the reason why god has the list of our sins is to see how we r doing and not to scare us.. he brought himself on the cross to pay for all of our sin becuz he loves you all..Know thas his heart and his passion to free us and to save us from the eviliness of this world that has to offer. SPECIAL POEM: WROTE THREE YEARS AGO!! Oh Lord, In a moment of silent night Where I had find no peace in my life You came to me when I was hurt and down I was struggling very hard I was in a situation which I was stressing Out I was holding back those tears and had fears in my heart Facing the death alone Never thought that you will come around my way I was tryin to commit my last good-bye But some how you shine the light And through your words you picked me up I saw a Black Book on the corner side of the table I opened it up and you called out my name You came to me cuz I was a runnaway Even Brighten up my night Now Here i am Lord, Alive in front of your eyes I am not alone And I will fight to the end till the day i die I believe in your name because you gave me a new Identity I got a new life and a new start.. I have a meaning to live now A clean heart cuz you cleaned me up My heart melts everytime I think of you Oh Lord I could of been in the grave instead But you find a way to bring me back home I am still a young Christian tryin to walk and talk Still I am facing Challenges and diffcult battles But I know that I am not alone I felt depressed and empty at a one point I felt like a lost sheep wanderin around in the woods Your voice whcih called outs my name My ears opened to hear it.. My heart started to bounce around cuz you were near My eyes looked to see where you are cuz I am not blind But only you can make the difference in my life How you care to love me deeply How I wants to grow strongly in my Faith for you.. Father God, You know that I love you rite. Oh Lord, look at your child Look at my heart and feel it I dont feel empty cuz I know who you are.. I dont feel lonely cuz I know you are here I know that you love me cuz you found me You cam to me, you came to us cuz You love the world From the Heaven beyond the stars and the moon The gate opens wide Your Spirit flys down hittin a womans heart From the wombs, you came out as a child From the child you became a man But you are also Father God.. You wanted to be with us Wanted to touch all of us and into your arms we goes You wanted to show us what defintion of true love meant Gatherin all the people who were not saved People with broken hearts and wounded ones And those who didnt have homes Children with no families Widows and lost people who believes in the wrong Gods You healed us with your mighty words speakin softly but boldly hittin our hearts Souls set free cuz of your words so powerful You healed us with those mighty hands How you touched our hearts as gently as you can We all needs mental, physical,emotional, and spiritual attentions You are the only hosptial that we can walk into What others think can do but cannot do but YOU How you put all of our sins on your back And had the power to walk to the Cross Alone you felt but How great is your Love You looked at the sky and screamed VICTORy cuz you won From the Heaven to Earth..From Earth to the Cross.. From the Cross to the Grave,,To back Home Amazing grace cuz we are all set free under your wings of Love Thank you Father GOd for Saving Me. Am I flying high with a broken wings I am flying from the sky Please Father God come and catch me Just rescue me From the world that is taking me down under Why do I feel so trapped in the inside I can hardly breathe And how can I be set free Father God, can you show me the way So I can follow the path you chose for me I wish I knew the answers to the questions But I dont think that I know yet You are the only truthful light That my eyes wants to see You are the only living water That I needs to drink cuz I am thristy Please fill me up and refuel my energy I feel like I am getting weak and tired My body aches each time that I drive My knees still hurts that kills me And still I try to fight living for another day Day and night I struggle tryin to survive Tryin to quit smoking but too much pressure in my life I feel my stress taking control over me I am running out of patience and my time And in rages my heart feels wants to spill out this pain of mine Outburst in tears of frustrations I write Can you please help me Oh God I feel like I am behind bars imprisonment If our Father God is still testing me Can I refuse this test How long is this test going to be But what will I do if I will fail I hope that I am strong enough to handle it Father God, send me your angels to be with me Angels, if you see my tears running down Can you wipe it away with your love I need love more than you think I need to hold your hands cuz it is warm My hands are gettin to full and gettin cold I know that you do belong to Gods family That is why I also call upon you to come to me When the evil spirit attacks me and it hits me I know that you have a sword and a shield To use it to protect me Through your guidance and dedication of love for me You can also be my navigation to life i can follow If you are with Father God rite now Here is my hand and lets be friends Take me to the end so I can finish strong I use to be arrogent and be full of it I use to hurt others through the words Too much pride I had in my heart I thought that I would be too cool for others And was self centered wanting all the attentions I use to laugh at others and mock in their faces Judgin them by lookin down like I was better I didnt even call upon the Lord And used his name invein Being dishonest, disloyal, stubborn, and hardheaded I was disobedient to God Father God, you knew me in the past the way i was And still I needs to change to be a better servent Are you still mad at me becuz of the past Is this the reason why I am suffering Or are you tryin to mold me stronger If i was a bad person I am sorry and Please forgive me And thank you for always remindin me I love you Father God for teaching me. Make me an instrument of your peace Where there is hatred, let me sow to love, Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, Faith; Where there is despair, Hope; Where this is darkness, Light; Where there is sadness, Joy. Oh divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console; to be understood, as to understand; to be loved, as to love others. FOr it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we ae pardoned; it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Lord, Help me to spread your fragrance where I go. Flood my soul with your spirit and life. Penetrate and possess my whole being so utterly that all my life may only be a radiance of yours. Shine through me, and be in me, so that every soul I come in contact with may fel your presence in my soul. Let them look up and see no longer me, but only you, O Lord! Stay with me, then I shall begin to shine as you do; to shine so as to be a light to others. The Light, O Lord, will be all from you; none of it will be mine; it iwll be you shining on others through me. Let me praise you in the way you love best, by shining on those around me. Let me preach you without preaching, not by words but by my example, by the catching force, the symathetic influence of what I do, the evident fulliness of the love my heart bears to you Oh Jesus, you who suffer, grant that today and everyday I may be able to see you in the person of your sick ones and that, by offering them my care, I may serve you. Grant that, even if you are hidden under the unattractive disguise of anger, of crime, or of madness, I may recognize you and say, (Jesus, You who suffer, How sweet it is to serve you.) Give me, Lord, this vision of Faith, and my work will never be monotonous. I will find joy in harboring the small whims and desires of all the poor who suffer. Dear sick one, you are still more beloved to me because you represent Christ. What a Privilege I am granted in being able to take care of you! Oh God, since you are Jesus who suffers, design to be for me also a Jesus who is patient, indulgent with my faults, who only looks at my intentions, which are to love you and to serve you in the person of each of these children of yours who suffer. Lord, increase my Faith, Bless my efforts and my works Now and FOrever. I wonder how many peoples heart I torn into pieces How many hearts has been broken cuz of me Is that the reason why the arrows keep on coming back When it hits my heart and penetrates into my heart I can truly feel the pain inside of me How many people had to shed their tears cuz of me I wonder sometimes if they are thinking of it If it was done intentionally or not I cant realli say cuz I dont know the situation But what I can say is that I am Sorry to cause pains in life I dont know why I disobeyed my parents When I was growing up I was a rebel going against my parents Too many arguements broke out Fussing at each other Screaming and yelling on the top of my lungs Cursing at my parents as I slam the door behind them I got many beatings of acting that way When I go back, There are times I gots to wipe my tears I did not mean to make a mess Always finding ways to blame others of my mistakes I made I wish the words that came out of my mouth It could of be erased in the thoughts and in the hearts But words hit deep into a ones soul Leaving Scars in the end and I know that words realli hurts I wish that I could of been a better person Instead of the act of Rebellion When you are 33 years of age now You begin to think more deeply Cuz you are not a child anymore You begin to see the things more clear also And Since now I found my Heavenly Father God Lord Jesus CHrist My life that I live is not for myself The truth is that I have been set free by him So now I have committed to give my life away to him He begins to work with you And through the works it begins to change on your thoughts And even your heart feels the change as well Your whole life of perspective is different the way you live I just dont want to the be the bad guy anymore I want to be the good Son with bearing good fruits I caused alot of pains in my parents hearts I was suppose to learn when I went to school I begin to act rebellion in High School cuz of the crowds I was following The choice that I made was a bad one cuz it ruined my life Skippin most of my classes and hangin at a homeboys house Sleeping while a teacher was teaching me a lesson Cheating on tests so that I would make a good grade And even copying other people who did good homeworks I even barely graduated in High School and I smiled about it I even had the principle telling me that he was smiling cuz i am gone WHen I look at the times now, I wish that I could of start over What if God gave me another chance to go back to high school again Maybe I could of become someone worth more I feel less than a dollar cuz of the things I choosed in my life I see so many successful people with papers on the walls SO much achievements that in a lifetime I will never have If I did well in school, I would of been settled down But I am still working my heart out Trying to be the best dental Tech I can be But I know one thing tho, At least I have a goal and a purpose I have big dreams that I can accomplish oneday But I am all broken inside cuz it hasnt filled my dreams yet If it was not the act of rebellion, Who would I be of today I dont want to be the bad guy anymore But I do want to the good one who bears good fruits for the Lord Most of my days I spent time playing hard Parties to crash GOing to every clubs in town Most of my boys were the rebels who I click withed So I grew up with people who much care less about life No future, no growing up but to have fun always People who are loud and very immature Load the guns cuz it is play time At that time, Being the player shows you how mucho you are It tells you that you are a man Shooting Pools at the billards Going to the stripclubs Street races and beting who has the fastest rides SMoking and dirnking It shows you that you are the rebel Troubles always shows up with shoot outs You gots to be the one to make the first move It was pretty bad living that lifestyle I remember like everything happen like yesterday But one thing that stroke in my heart is this Your soul begins to miss something deeply And you get tired and bored of the same old stuff When you see your boys locked up or dead somewhere Even in the hospital laying there You begin to have a wake up call I needed to get away and find a way back to Christ I did not wanted to die young so I dont want to be the bad guy But the one who bears good fruits and called the good son SOmething truly happened to me to get me back I was driving very drunk and I got pulled over by cop This was the third time a cop pulled me over for drunkiness And this time he was not going to let me slide I had to learn it through the hardways and it finally hit me I got the cuffs and got arrested I was locked up for 48 hours in the jail cell And I wanted to get out cuz it stunk up in there Too many guys would give me the looks And when I got out, I saw how it felt to be free I member seeing my mother and my younger sister there They smiled as they gave me a hugs I didnt think how much this was going to cost me Lawyer fees, COurt costs, Breathlizer And even all the programs I had to go Probabtion officer was another cost as well AA meetings I had to go through to pass This is when I knew that living life was hard It was harder than in Indiana when I was there alone All the money that I made was not for me but for the price I needed to pay That is what you call the consquences of Life After two years of this trials and turbalance I faced I was finally free from all this case work I member thats the time when God came into my life He was ready to work in me and through me But when I look over the pictures of this all God was already in my life making my go through all this To give me the experinencec so that now I can share with you all That God is So good and has been always there for me Even tho I put so much pains and sufferings to my parents They have always supported me by being there all the way through I thank my Heavenly Father God to use me as a writer So I can share this testimony with the Body of Christ.. I dont want to be the bad guy But someone who bears a good fruit and the good son Heavenly Father God May this truly encourage others who can Truly understand this Poem that I am writing May it bless others and to let others know We all needs to win by FInish a strong Race Heavenly Father God I see many people who wants to run this race Many has begun to run for you Lord But Are these people my brothers and sisters in CHrist Or are they my competitions Brothers and sisters Are those who will give out their hands When I will fall on the ground I believe that they will pick me up They dont care about being the first But to be the last by helping others out They will never let anyone behind A competition Is those who are runnning for their own glory They want the gold medal instead of giving to others Their goals are about I finish first They had being last and will leave people behind It is so sad that we do have this kind of minds Their hearts are filled with greed and hate And even in church we do have these kinds of people They are not here to learning the Truth Only for them to look good in the outter surface And you know who they are Lord Those who are running but from the dark side Hiding cuz of the fear of being exposed I believe that all criminals will oneday get caught CUz noone can hide or run from You Lord I am in this race as well AS a runner for Jesus CHrist To keep on running towards the end Keep me Strong Father and hungry for you Till I reach to the finish Line By giving you the praise and all the GLORY Heavenly Father God There are days when I cant run anymore Times when I feel tired of this cold world Wants to give up But gots to put up a great fight to the end for you I needs to be refueled And even reenergized to keep on going I can feel the sweats running down from the heat And I even feel thristy as I run towards you My knees are killing me as I run My stomache hurts cuz I have not stopped I cant breathe cuz the lenthg of this race It is very long And my heartbeats too fast But you can still see me running in this race rite Time after time I would like to walk I know that if I do walk The time will slow me down going to you The more time I waste, the less I get a chance to meet you Trying my best by not quitting SO oneday I can get closer to you That is why I have not stopped running I see that some has passed me ahead I see that some are behind me Others are walking And I see some left the building How am I suppose to reach the slower ones I am trying to encourage them through words DOnt Give UP But they dont want to listen to me Lord But if they go, Is that my fault I have so many things on top of my shoulders As a writer, as a worker, as a son AS a brother in Christ When I look at them I feel like I am losing hope on YOU But When I do put my focus back on you lord I know that I needs to reach And try my best to finish this race By going to the FInish Line Heavnely Father God We all came here broken and beaten down To get things off our shoulder we were holding We all even began in this same track together I know that we all came here to the starting Line When you blew the whistle Everone began to take off with a speed Like a Jet plane flying through Now, time goes by and I am drained Out of energy I wish I had the energy that I began with Now I feel like it is GONE And thats why we all need you FOr us to quench our thirst ANd to eat the bread that gives us life To go back to those good days When we first began to Love you More deeply Fired up for Lord Jesus CHrist Praising you and giving thanks But after awhile, the fire seems to burn out Our hearts turns to as cold as ice And it aint burning for you anymore Thats why you see the lack of people praising you They are all fallen soldiers going the other way Many are either leaving you or calling the quits Cuz they cant handle it anymore But Lord, You still have me in this race It is cuz I Trust you that I will finish strong That your Hands covers me and protects me Your words which gives me hope It gives me strenght to carry on I am still fired up for you Lord Cuz I know that you are putting coals To burn the core of my heart ANd I am just running even tho I am tired The words of Truth that I read Your words gives me freedom when I am a slave to sin It gives me the wisdom to share more with others And thats why I am able to live and not to die on you I am still able to run DO you see me Lord I am running towards the FInish Line for You Heavenly Father God DO you see me smiling DO you see me waving I see you holding up a huge candle ANd I can see the light where I am running I see your hands moving around To let me know that you are near Even tho you are in the distance calling out my name Telling me not to Give up boy! That I can get close Maybe if I strive harder, closer to you The hardest part which I can feel is When a person sees you striving towards the end They are not happy for you They are booing me on the side They wants to bring you down They wants to discourage you And it breaks my heart Cuz we are suppose to run together As a family of Body of Christ ANd not to leave anyone behind But they can also be my enemies What I tell myself all the time is As long as I keep my eyes on the prize I know that I will finish this race soon I will finish it strong Lord knows that I am coming home soon It is TO run to the finish Line And Give all the love and glory to my King Father God Holy SPirit Do I fit in with the Family of Body of Christ There are times when I feel like the outsider I call it the OutCast of the Flock I am surrounded by many warriors and stronger leaders They are intelligent, Good hearted And has the Love for you People strong like the roaring TIGERS King of the Jungle like them LIONS Huge and Tall like them bears From a distance I saw a sword On the top of a stone It was shining when the sunlight hit the sword And it caught my attention from where I was standing Father God, Am I suppose to take the sword into my hands How can I when I am so weak I feel very small that it has no match for me I am not even educated enough to understand Why Me I am not even a leader who was chosen Or even a teacher who can teach others Not a soldier who is bold or confident But I am a servent who always wants to serve my maaster Which I knew nothing about in the past Until something tells me to go after the sword I wish that I had the brains like the bookworms I wish that I had the muscles if I dont have the brains I have nothing to Offer you Father God How can I grab the sword if I am neither the type SOmething hits my heart and I believe you pushed me towards it When I looked at the sword and I pulled it out I see the Glorious it comes accross the sword named Jesus Christ The sword looks so precious as it is touched by the sunlight from the sky When I feeled the sword, it make me tingle up inside of me Burst into Joy and laughter that I get a chance to hold a sword Someone like me who has nothing to offer you Lord I can look at it too and gives me goosebumps I know that it gives me the spiritual wisdom from You Father God The sword represents you Father God and I can fight on your behalf When I touch the sword I can feel the Holy Spirit going inside of me And through what I touch you speak out the truth in me My eyes flows in tears as it begins to open to the Truth I was a blind man who was lost and now i can see things clearly My heart begins to be cleaned by you cuz you wash away my sins And renew my spirit within me Oh my Soul, which been thirsty and dry inside I can feel the holy water when I drink through the scriptures That I put into my heart I am no more hungry and Even tho I was starving like a homeless I am begin to eat more solid food as I keep on pursuing For your Words Oh Father God It gives me strength, Power, Wisdom, and Even energy to go on That Now I can write what on Your behalf Father God The more you speaks to me through the sword The more closer I can feel by holdin up the sword I can feel the Holy Spirit is my shield You wants to guide me to the right path of life And protects me by holding up the truth from the evil spirits Surrounds me with your love through the people that I meet And I have no more shame of Proclaiming your NAME Jesus Christ is risen..He is alive and lives in me I only thought that the wealthy and the educated people can have the sword But Father God, even a poor and un-educated like myself can carry one too When you pointed me to the stone, I saw a sword and pulled it out Why did you choose me Father God I am not that important to anyone Cuz realli I am just a nobody I dont have any kinds of special powers I am not wealthy either I cant heal people or even talk proper I wasnt a religious person when you found me Just an arrogrant prideful person who was always Peeking through a closed window wanting answers to my life A runnaway who was disobedient to you Father God Always had excuses to get away by pushing you not to come too close to me Weak as a sheep who wanders to wrong places and away gets lost Why did you always look for me Why did you spent your time wasting it away Why did you always bring me back To the arms of the loving family which I dont deserve that kind of love And again I would wander off away from you While many good listened to you by staying in the pen Now, I am reminded of how GReaT your true love is towards me Over the years I see that you have been so good to me Blessed me with too many blessings that I am spoiled by you It makes me cry in times becuz I am thankful how beautiful and amazing you are Father God, I realized that you were patient enough to wait for me You were wanting for this day to come for me to change Stronger I Got, WIsdom through you makes me smarter As I keep on pursing you Cuz You knew it in your heart That I will come around and will obey you I will follow my Fathers footsteps towards V I C T O R Y in you All along, even tho i was acting up towards disobedients I am Underneather Your wings of love and openiness Always protecting me, guiding me and Even Loving me Jesus Christ A 100 percent man he is A 100 percent God he is Came here to the world Not as a rich person Not as a well-educated either But to give us a Savlation to set us free Through the Cross he has died Through the Cross he has risen alive Now our chains are Gone and we are saved Whoever may believe in his name You will have life in Him and with him you will live He is the King and the creator of the world He came to us how he did not come to be Served But to serve others When you see his walk of life in the earth He picked the twelve who was the lowly grade Jesus could of picked someone else But that proves how great is his love for us The Pharisees are the ones who should of protected the people But most of them were going against God by stealing from him Using his name to get what they wanted And they even murdered Jesus Christ in the end The light stands out becuz of his Truth Jesus is the Light of the world who can only shine When you ask in his name. It will be given unto you to be his light King David He was like the youngest from his brothers He was known as the ugly duckling which was disgraces from his family He was working as a sheperd which is like the lowest job If I can tell you it is like a janitor People would look downly at the person and thas what they did To King David Father God was not even looking at the physical appearance Father God was not looking how smart a person is either Or how much land or money a person has or is worth Father God did not care how popular a person is What truly attracted Father God to King David was his heart The beauty is not the looks but it is the inside of how he or she is worth AS you see that King David would ask for persmissions through prayers when ever he went out for battles Had even the King Saul turn away from God and wanted to kill King David When the heart is filled with hatred You attend to Lose the sight of God and God hates sin which hating is a sin David became the King in the end becuz of the heart he had for God God will see your hearts like David and will chosen for the best in the use From the brothers he had, He was picked to be the light of the world Apostle Peter A fishermen but he was called the rock He trusted Jesus in the begining because you see the net going out Jesus was seeing if he trusted in him and called him out You see that Peter is not educated cuz he was a fisherman But his heart was bold and I believe thas the reason why he is the leader From the apostles Even when the people were about to take Jesus away, Peter cut the ears of a servent Even Peter denied Jesus Three times at the trial Jesus was in It even broke his heart that he ran away After the resurrection of Christ and how Jesus showed himself They all went fishing and did not catch anything When Peter knew it was Jesus by a fireplace The water was cold early in the morning Peter jumped in and swam towards Jesus Christ The disciples all walked with Jesus for three years long But you see that from the 12 disiciples that Jesus was clsoe with Peter would always stand out even tho they walked with him It is the courage and boldiness that Peter had from the Elevn Even in the church today, you see many are too like Who stands out from the group, WHo truly stands out You see that Jesus askes Peter if he loves him three times That is the fire that burned as he became the Apostle And the death he knew he had to take the road He still ran twards Jesus Christ becacuse He is the light of the world Apostle Paul A man who was educated with a misguide believe Who was a murderer and killed so many Christians Like Adolf hitler who was well known Many people feared him cuz of his Reputation on the line But Jesus came to him and ask why kill his people Ever since he heard the his voice He begin to learn the truth about Jesus A great tranformation took place as he had the fire for God He never gave up to reach out after all the storms He has been through Once he came out to preach, He was beaten too many times He was a pharisee who was changed in heart and soul He was flogged, stoned Also as a writer, he had the passion to bring out the truth Even tho he may die the next day He had no fear of death and kept on pursuing GOd Very courageous and Bold Had the SPirit and the Truth in him Even when Paul was thrown into Prison he wrote his letters When he died, he even felt alone like Jesus But one things that we all should know that his letters Are Gods voice and truth, You can also see this mans struggles and his life As an Apostle who truly stand out Many Pharisees back then did not convert But God gave him the passion and the heart to go on He is the light of the world My Heart: If I can say what makes me stand out I have not seen too many people share their faith to me Noone has for the past 12 years I been writing Even when I look at the groups I been too Too many kept their mouths closed but shared very little I came from a backgorund of being like the lowly lifes Un-educated cuz I only graduated from high school I have seen too many brothers get beaten down Clubs be swingin left to right Hospital beds were filled for us to lay on it I have seen a brother passed away Cuz of mistakes he made and not a chance to repent to God Too many cops rolled by give me the cuffs But I came home running to God I was hungry enough to write If i look at gifts that God give us I see people are always into music And singers, But what I have is writing and you see how God has opened doors FOr me to share once more.. Facebook is big and many people can connect God gave me this gift so that I may use on his name to write Look into your inboxes, How many will filled it to encourage you That is why I can say that what God gave me Is to keep on GLorifying him through what he gave When I keep glorifying him He keeps on making me reach out through encouraging others By being the Light of the world to my family THANKS FOR LISTENING DJ!!
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 02:07:52 +0000

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