HARVESTING LOST SOULS,..BRINGING IN THE SHEAVES....WITNESSING TO PEOPLE ABOUT JESUS..... This all boils down to Discipleship, mentoring,teaching and instructing of future leaders who will take the torch when it is time to pass it along. Producing capable people who can lead people to Christ. Capable well instructed people who the Holy Spirit can speak through to the lost souls. I have seen all too often a church leader or instructor, who carefully never seemed to bring his subordinates to the place of leadership. This kept him in the place of leader for years beyond what should have been! And the church body suffered in apostasy because of it. What could be the agenda? Ego perhaps. I have seen a lot of this in the lukewarm Laodecian church mind set. Then the appropriate question should be...do the church leaders even know what sort of vision they should have? Or are they just replicating the world into their church making it not much more than a club for social activities? The Pastor needs to have a correct vision of what the church body should look and act like. Denominationalism has a way of derailing many Pastors and their teaching. So does territorialism. The us versus them divisive mentality of denominations. The model, of course, is in the early church during the book of Acts days. Small church bodies, pooling resources so those who lacked had their needs met. Jesus never built a building. HE BUILT PEOPLE. The early church never put up large buildings. They built people. When I see a large church building, I see spiritual misappropriation of funds. Worldliness instead of correctly depending on Christ and His word for their sufficiency. Christ IS our sufficiency, not our works. The early church and their methods were quite effective and have not been trumped to this day. They will be remembered long after we are gone. We can learn from them, if we choose to do so. Discipleship and mentoring are the visions we need to have. But, they must be carried out by those who have the correct vision of what discipleship and mentoring in view of Christs mission really means. Most teachers in the churches today do not. Most Pastors do not. And it shows in vastly declining membership. The needs of the people are not getting met. It is that simple and the Lord is redirecting them elsewhere. The positive messages must include teaching of what it means to be a Christian in todays world. What we need to do to be unspotted from the world and not succumb to the evils of the love of money, pride and lust among other subtle traps. Lost souls is the main priority and then discipling them. Many church goers never get passed the place of being just a spectator christian. That is inexcusable. There are many visions for the church to be had. They must be the correct ones in order for people to grow. Great emphasis must be placed on the Holy Spirit and what He does. Joel Osteens nonsense of living your best life now is pure heresy. When Christ said we must take up our cross and follow Him, He was telling us that meant painful sacrifice. Sacrificing our lives for others in His name. Servanthood and stewardship of Gods grace. All that glitters is not gold, and much of that which glitters did not come from the Lord! Worldly Christians need to learn that lesson. Many have not and the responsibility for that failure rests upon those people whom God has placed in positions of leadership. The blood of the congregants is on their hands. If the church is to survive, then a huge revival needs to take place. There will be no harvest if the laborers do not know what they are doing. They must be taught by those who correctly know how to harvest. Or care enough to go and sweat the labor for lost souls. There is only a small remnant who care enough to do that. A dying church needs to repent. They have lost their vision and have gotten caught up in worldly tangents that have little or nothing to do with the great commission. For them, it has become the great omission. Failing to do what God has ordained the church to be doing is the greater sin. Prayer to God for instruction is the first step in correcting this gross error. God Bless you all.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 18:09:15 +0000

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