HARVEYS MIDNIGHT MOVIA MANIA REVIEWS MOVIE: DIVERGENT Well, The Midnight Movie Mania Madness begins once again. I’m honored for the questions and recommendations people give to me. I really do appreciate it. Thank you. Now… time for the Review. DIVERGENT When I finished reading this series, I was nothing short of ecstatic for the movie to be released. I absolutely loved reading this series, and was glad this would be the movie to start off the new year of my movie reviews Shailene Woodley (Tris) played her character very well and was very believable in her role. Tris, her character, is a very strong and determined individual, and you can’t help but feel connected to her and her story as the movie runs its course. Theo James (Four) I think played his character the best in this film. Strong, unrelenting, courageous, and emotional. What I did like about this movie was the how the connected Tris and Four; their love story was believable. It wasn’t just thrown into your face, but gradually continued from one step to another. It is going to be interesting to see how it continues to play out during the next films. Other characters that performed very well: Ashley Judd, Jai Courtney, Zoe Kravitz, Miles Teller, Kate Winslet. Very Strong performances. Now, overall they did a good job staying close to the book. Yes, a few things were altered, but still did a good job. I did enjoy this movie, but I felt that there were scenes that just didn’t fit quite reach the peak of achievement. I think that this movie had a lot of potential to be great, but just some things that didn’t quite reach my expectations. The action was nice. The acting was great for the most part except a few scenes where I thought it came off a little weak and somewhat cheesy. A great cast, set up, clear story to follow. Nicely done film. I still highly recommend seeing this move in theaters, and I highly recommend you read the series. I’d put it up there with The Hunger Games series. Grade: B- I thought about this grade all weekend, that’s why it has taken me longer to post this review. I will be seeing this movie again to give a more firm grade. For now, this is where I stand. Thanks again everyone for everything, and I hope that I can continue to excite everyone with these reviews! Peace out!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 19:15:24 +0000

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