HAS CLIVE PALMER ENDORSED AL GORE’S GREEN FASCISM? Clive Palmer’s press conference with Al Gore on Wednesday last week, committing Australia to an emissions trading scheme raises a very serious question: Has Palmer hopped into bed with the worst of the worst “climate change” financial sharks—namely Al Gore and his investment banking friends, which include Goldman Sachs and Macquarie banksters? Al Gore runs Generation Investment Management (GIM), a London-based investment management firm with Managing Partner David Blood, a former Goldman Sachs CEO. GIM’s founding members include Mark Ferguson, former co-head of pan-European research at Goldman Sachs Asset Management, and Peter Harris, former head of Goldman Sachs Assets Management international operations. The purpose of the “Blood and Gore” investment firm is to make a killing off financial speculation in “emissions trading” and other Green Fascist scams. The Goldman Sachs business model—including building a speculative bubble in “carbon credits”—was exposed by Matt Taibbi in the 9 July 2009 Rolling Stone magazine feature entitled “The Great American Bubble Machine”.( rollingstone/politics/news/the-great-american-bubble-machine-20100405 ) Taibbi characterises Goldman Sachs as “a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money… “The formula is relatively simple: Goldman positions itself in the middle of a speculative bubble, selling investments they know are crap… They’ve been pulling this same stunt over and over since the 1920s—and now they’re preparing to do it again, creating what may be the biggest and most audacious bubble yet.” The article documents the role of Goldman Sachs in every bubble since the 1920s, including the IT bubble, the housing bubble, etc. and then defines Goldman’s newest scheme, “the new game in town, the next bubble, is in carbon credits—a booming trillion-dollar market that barely even exists yet…. a groundbreaking new commodities bubble, disguised as an ‘environmental plan,’ called cap-and-trade. The new carbon-credit market is a virtual repeat of the commodities-market casino that’s been kind to Goldman, except it has one delicious new wrinkle: If the plan goes forward as expected, the rise in prices will be government-mandated. Goldman won’t even have to rig the game. It will be rigged in advance.” Gore is in Australia as part of The Climate Reality Project and is hosted by the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF). The Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip founded the ACF in 1964 as a de facto subsidiary of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), which he had co-founded in 1961 with former Nazi Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands and British Eugenics Society President Sir Julian Huxley. Prince Philip has repeatedly said he would like to be reincarnated as a deadly virus in order to solve overpopulation. The carbon swindle may well be just as deadly given its attack on the cheap energy that sustains our population. Palmer stated his senators will move an amendment to establish an emissions trading scheme even though it has been a proven disaster in Europe since its inception in 2005. He pledged to support the Renewable Energy Target, which locks us in to inefficient, costly solar and wind power. He pledged to block the abolition of the Climate Change Authority currently chaired by former Reserve Bank Governor, Bernie Fraser. High finance and “climate change” go hand in hand as per the Goldman Sachs model, so it’s no surprise Reserve Bank board member Heather Ridout is also on the Climate Change Authority board. Established on 1 July 2012, the Climate Change Authority provides the Australian Government recommendations on emissions reduction policy. In effect, banksters decide on how to shut down our physical economy while growing their carbon-trading monetary bubble. Palmer also said his senators will vote against the abolition of the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC), currently chaired by former Reserve Bank board member, Jillian Broadbent and whose CEO Oliver Yates was a former Executive Director of Macquarie Bank. Michael Carapiet and Anna Skarbek, two former Macquarie Bank executives are also on the CEFC board. The Australian Government provides an annual $2 billion to the CEFC, which invests for emissions reduction in a “carbon constrained world”. Taxpayers funding this outfit end up supporting detestable and inefficient projects such as wind farms. Palmer’s infamous dinner on 29 May with Malcolm Turnbull and Treasury Secretary Martin Parkinson also raises some questions. Turnbull was former Chairman and Managing Director of Goldman Sachs Australia and has long been a champion of emissions trading since his days as Environment Minister in the Howard Government. Parkinson previously served as the inaugural secretary of the Department of Climate Change and has long been a climate alarmist and emissions trading advocate. Clive Palmer has said that he stands up for the little guy. But how, then, can one interpret the agreements he has struck with Prince Philip’s Green Fascist climate change mafia, promising a non-solution to a climate crisis that does not exist? Ignore the climate alarmists: As we have demonstrated, Australia must increase its carbon footprint.( cecaust.au/main.asp?sub=releases&id=2011_08_05_Carbon_Footprint.html ) To find out more on the fraud of global warming, click here. (cecaust.au/main.asp?sub=global_warming&id=main.html ) CITIZENS ELECTORAL COUNCIL OF AUSTRALIA MEDIA RELEASE TUESDAY, 1 JULY 2014 Craig Isherwood‚ National Secretary PO Box 376‚ COBURG‚ VIC 3058 Phone: 1800 636 432 Email: [email protected] Website: cecaust.au
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 08:53:51 +0000

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