HAS MANKIND GONE A LITTLE BATTY IN IT`S ANIMAL RESCUE EFFORTS? AFTER ALL WE PAY FOR PEST EXTERMINATORS & ANIMAL RELOCATION YET WE DON`T RESCUE OUR FELLOW MAN. PSYCHOLOGISTS SAY AN INORDINATE AFFECTION FOR ANIMALS IS A SIGN OF LACK OF HUMAN LOVE & CONTACT. SO, RATHER ANIMAL BONKERS PPL SHOULD GIVE LOVE AWAY & BE LOVED IN RETURN. During the early days, the care of baby bats closely mirrors that of human babies. Infants must be fed, kept warm, bathed, cuddled and loved. Deprived of affection, both species fail to thrive and the devastating effects can last a lifetime. Soooo, we clean dirty bottoms, endlessly plug in dropped dummies/pacifiers, cuddle, feed regularly and ensure that tiny wings are kept clean and fresh. Newly named Charlotte enjoys her baths and even extends her wings to help me out so I can clean them more readily. Orphans are our special reward for volunteering for the tough job of rescue/rehab/euthanasia and witnessing and responding to the aftermath and suffering of flying-foxes caught on barbed wire fences, trapped in fruit netting, savaged by dogs, non fatally electrocuted on power lines, hit by cars and being shot and dispersed under government permit. Grow strong little Charlotte and perhaps your future will be brighter than it currently is for Australias dwindling flying-fox populations. heart emoticon
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 02:24:44 +0000

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