HAS THIS TRIGGS WOMEN GONE MAD ? DOES SHE HAVE A CLUE HOW HARD PEOPLE HAVE TO WORK TO EARN $350,000 ? (Warning : make sure you are sitting down before reading this) CASE NO.1 A detained Indonesian refugee who beat his Australian spouse to death with a child’s ­bicycle should be released into the community and given $350,000 compensation for seven years of arbitrary detention the Australian Human Rights Commission has found. Heres the record of this bloke that Triggs wants wants to $350,000 of taxpayers money to; * He has committed many violent crimes since arriving from Papua New Guinea in 1985 and has a history of breaching bail conditions. * In 1986 he was sentenced to community service for disorderly behaviour. * In 1989 he was sentenced to three months’ jail for grievous bodily harm. * Over the next seven years he was convicted and fined for numerous assaults, property damage and failure to answer bail. * These include a string of offences in 1999 that included causing wilful damage, obstructing police and drug possession. * In 2000 pleaded guilty to manslaughter of his spouse after first being charged with murder. * He killed her by belting her over the head with a child’s bicycle several times after first punching her in the head. * Chief Justice Paul De Jersey sentenced him to seven years’ jail for “spontaneous” attack and noted he was “drunk at the time”. * He has been held in detention since 2007. The Immigration Department said he was involved in 50 behaviour-related incidents in detention, including assault. * Psychologist Kipling Walker found a “persistent pattern of abnormal emotions and behaviour” and was at high risk of violent reoffending. “He continues to use threats to get what he wants,” he wrote. * Another psychologist, Emma Collins, warned he did “not appear to have acculturated to Westernised lifestyle” and likely expressed himself through ­aggression “due to his culture and the influence of machismo”. However, the Gillard Government appointed Human Rights president Gillian Triggs accused the federal government of breaching the man’s human rights by holding him in immigration detention rather than monitoring him in the community. She has pushed to have him released into the community (but perhaps not in a suburb where Triggs lives) and said should be handed $350,000 compensation from Australian taxpayers for the seven years of “arbitrary” detention - never mind the fact his long criminal record, that he bashed his spouse to death, and by all accounts presented a clear risk to the Australian community. CASE NO. 2 The Australian last week reported that the Human Rights Commissioner Gillian Triggs had also recommended a $300,000 payout of taxpayers money to a US-born convicted fraudster whom the government deported after he swindled $644,000 from taxpayers and banks. This fraudsters record; * He was arrested in March 2002 and jailed for using 52 false bank accounts and 34 credit cards to incur debt and fraudulently claim tax benefits. * The man, then a cocaine addict and alleged domestic violence perpetrator, was sentenced to 3½ years’ jail and then lived in the community for a year. *He was detained by the Immigration Department pending deportation but launched a slew of legal actions to prevent his deportation. * He then took advantage of our legal to delay his deportation. His arguments were criticised by Federal Court judge Stephen Rares as “frivolous, vexatious, embarrassing and (lacking) any support”. And despite swindling taxpayer and banks out of $644,000 - the Human Rights Commissioner Gillian Triggs recommend he be handed $300,000 from the Australian taxpayer as compensation. CASE NO. 3 The Human Rights Commission recommended that failed asylum seeker Samad Ali Jafari, an illegal arrival on Christmas Island, be awarded $140,000 cash from the Australian taxpayer after he lied to migration officials. * The dual citizen of Afghanistan and Britain failed to disclose his British citizenship or the fact he had previously visited Australia when he smuggled himself illegally on to Christmas Island and demanded asylum in April 2010. * The truth only emerged three months later, after his fingerprints were checked against border control records. * The Department of Immigration refused his visa application, arguing he could easily escape persecution by returning to Britain and should be deported. * An independent reviewer agreed, but his deportation was further delayed by an unsuccessful appeal to the Federal Magistrates Court. (With his legal costs all presumably paid by Australian taxpayers). * His demands to be released into the community where considered for this but rejected because of the government’s desire to deport him as soon as his “futile” court action was rejected. And he was held in detention awaiting deportation. However Human Rights Commissioner Gillian Triggs recommended he should receive $140,000 compensation for his unfair “arbitrary detention while he pursued futile court action. OUTRAGED ??? Sadly, the Human Rights Commissioner Gillian Triggs appears completely and utterly out of touch with community standards and expectations. Does she have a clue about how hard the average Australian has to work to earn $350,000 when she recommends handing this money to men that have beaten their spouses to death ? But this is simply what happens when a Labor government gets power. They then fill the bureaucracy with people like Gillian Triggs - and you cant get them out. (Triggs was appointed by the Gillard Labor Government as head of Australian Human Rights Commission for a period of five years commencing 30 July 2012.) But these are not the only evidence of Triggs’s appalling judgment. As also reported in The Australian; * Recently, her political activism emerged when she appeared in a film clip campaigning against the Coalitions government detention of children - despite her silence when Labor were in government, and the fact that it was Labor that locked all these children up. * And in a Senate estimates hearing in November, she gave a contradictory and implausible explanation about why she launched an official inquiry into children in detention in January last year. She had not done so, however, under Labor when hundreds of boats and thousands of asylum-seekers arrived and the number of children in detention soared. Should Gillian Triggs hand in her resignation ?? Links to further stories in comments section below. m.theaustralian.au/national-affairs/immigration/gillian-triggs-backs-indonesian-wife-killer-detainee/story-fn9hm1gu-1227176564098
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 23:11:04 +0000

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