HAVE A GREEN DIWALI: OPT FOR DIYAS INSTEAD OF ELECTRIC LIGHTS: Do not use electric lights to illuminate your home. Instead, opt for diyas (earthen lamps) and candles. This will not only reduce the amount of electricity being consumed, the flickering diyas will look prettier too. If you must use electric illumination, opt for LED lights. They use at least 80 per cent lesser energy than the regular ones and also come in various hues too. OPT FOR ECO-FRIENDLY CRACKERS: Eco-friendly crackers have hit the Indian market big time and we dont see any reason why you opt for the hazardous ones. Though it is comparatively costlier, it is worth spending for since it hugely cuts down on the level of air and noise pollution. As an added advantage, you will be up for compliments on doing your bit to save planet earth. USE NATURAL FLOWERS: Turn to Mother Nature this Diwali by investing in natural flowers instead of artificial ones. Artificial flowers are harmful for the environment and, frankly, look gaudy. Natural flowers add a freshness to the surroundings with their fragrance. Natural flowers can also be used in making rangolis which would surely make your mother/sister/wife/partner happier. GIFT HERBAL PRODUCTS: In India, Diwali gifts easily translate into sweets, nuts and chocolates. We all know that these arent the healthiest choices for a person. This time, opt for herbal gifts which are environment-friendly as well as healthy. As for gift options, you can choose from hand-made candles, lampshades, organic gift-baskets, gourmet coffees, special teas or even plants. RECYCLE OLD STUFF: The coolest thing to do this Diwali is to give away your old stuff like clothes, shoes, etc to the less privileged ones. Rather than letting your old items sit idle, have them donate. It will not only rid the environment from unwanted waste but also light the lives of certain people who cannot afford to get new things for themselves. #Little Millennium# Preschool# Ambattur
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 13:30:00 +0000

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