HAVE YOU GOT BURNOUT? Babe, I’ve been there. Smoked that - TopicsExpress


HAVE YOU GOT BURNOUT? Babe, I’ve been there. Smoked that crapstick. Here’s a list of things I’ve found really help in healing depletion, exhaustion and burnout: More massages than you think is necessary. Acupuncture is one of the most powerful alleviators of anxiety around. Intuitive healing or kinesiology. Reflexology. Creative time. Take time away as much as possible. Get a freakin’ life. I mean that with a whole lotta love of course. Get some hobbies. Go be with friends. Go have a ding dang silly adventure (even if it’s just for a day!) with peeps you love. The restorative power of face-to-face gasbagging is cwazy powerful + underrated. Meditation. Journalling. Chicken Soup actually IS brilliant at healing all manner of maladies including anxiety and burnout! Set containers around your work. No more working on weekends. Stop working at least a couple of hours before you go to bed. Naps + going to sleep at “Granny o’clock” If you’re a mama: enlist support, in any kind of way you can. If you have ongoing anxiety, see a Doctor. I’m all for hippy woo-woo techniques, but when anxiety and post natal depression kicked my butt, western medicine was a great healer and support for me. What have you found works for you hon?
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 18:15:00 +0000

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