HAVE YOUR SAY ! All contributions must be sent by email to - TopicsExpress


HAVE YOUR SAY ! All contributions must be sent by email to ila.alaati@gmail by July 7, 2013, at the very latest. There is no shortage of opinions in the media about the situation in Syria. It seems everybody has something to say – but we’re not getting to hear from the Syrians themselves. That is why Ila Souria is reaching out to the young people of Syria, so their voices can be heard. Specialists’ input, inventories and assessments of the state of affairs, analyses of pertinent experiences around the world… all are essential ingredients that cannot be dissociated from public opinion and the feedback of those who are directly involved in the revolution—especially young people who, in this tragic context, in many cases are giving their very lives to help build the country’s future. What kind of future lies ahead? Ila Souria would like people to consider the following questions: What has given you hope, and kept your hope alive, since the beginning of the revolution? What kind of future do you dream of? How do you think it can be achieved? There are two ways to submit your answers: – in written format – in visual format (or both, for those who wish to combine images and words). Your written contributions can take any form you like (letter, story, poem, etc.) as can your visuals (drawings, caricatures, sculptures, models, photographs, collages, etc.). Conditions: Written contribution: Maximum of 200 words in Arabic or 300 words in French or English. Visual contribution: Maximum height of 20 cm and maximum width of 15 cm, submitted in JPG format, resolution 300 dpi. Please note that the final document will be published in black and white (grey scale). Creators should therefore take this into consideration in their colour choices and composition, either by working directly in black and white or by choosing an easily adaptable colour palette. All contributors are asked to kindly adhere to these limits, which are required to meet practical printing considerations. It is preferable to include your full name or pseudonym with your contribution, as well as your age, your current place of residence and your usual place of residence (for those who are displaced or in exile). Contributions will be posted on the ILA website, and a selection will be included in a book (24 cm x 18 cm) to be published in Arabic, French and English. The book will be launched at the Ilasouria.01 symposium, which will be held at the Institut du monde arabe in Paris in October 2013. Be sure to spread the word about this initiative to as many people as possible. We look forward to hearing from you!
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 04:19:35 +0000

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