HAVING TROUBLE FORGIVING OTHERS? Then heres a great teaching for - TopicsExpress


HAVING TROUBLE FORGIVING OTHERS? Then heres a great teaching for you: For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. (Ephesians 2:8, 9 NIV) We are all saved BY FAITH, and we forgive BY FAITH. Now, let me ask you, are there days when you feel saved, and other days that you do not feelsaved? I know that many Christians suffer with this, but none should, as WE ARE SAVED BY FAITH, AND FEELINGS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. So, did you sincerely proclaim Jesus as Lord, having believed that God raised Him from the dead along with you? THEN CONGRATULATIONS; YOURE SAVED! Feelings were not a part of being born again, nor are they a part of forgiveness. Forgiving people, too, is something that is sincerely proclaimed, and then accepted by faith – and must be done while completely disregarding anything to the contrary! Theres a reason this passage is pieced together the way it is by our Lord: ...“If your brother or sister sins against you, rebuke them; and if they repent, forgive them. Even if they sin against you seven times in a day and seven times come back to you saying ‘I repent,’ you must forgive them.” The apostles said to the Lord, INCREASE OUR FAITH!” (Luke 17:3-5 NIV) A lot of criticism (some rightfully so) comes upon the original 12 for the many apparently obvious things that they wouldnt receive or understand. However, they certainly understood THIS – that forgiveness has to be executed by faith. Further, lets look at the very next verse here in Luke 17: He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you. (Luke 17:6 NIV) It is no coincidence that this statement is placed here! Now, unfortunately, most of the Church does not understand faith; they havent received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, they havent been taught how Godly faith operates, and they tend to walk by sight - not by faith. Therefore, they are completely hindered in their ability to live in the way our Father intended. Additionally, many teach that all you ever need in order to believe for the things in your life is to have faith as small as a mustard seed. This is absurd, and completely ignores what Jesus additionally taught: Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.” (Matthew 13:32 NIV) The concept is to plant the seed, properly nurture and water it, and have it grow into a tree. So, how do we plant it? Remember what he said, as recorded in Luke: If you have faith, YOU WOULD SAY!... This is exactly the same principle as when you first believed, and were born again. So, how do we utilize these principles in exercising forgiveness toward people? Sincerely state something like this (put it in your own words, if youd like): Father, you know how (the persons name) did those things to me, and wounded me badly. However, I do not, and will not, hold it against them. I hereby, as of this moment, completely forgive them for all of this, and I know You will not hold it against them, either. I love them, just as I love all people, for You have put Your love in my heart. I will not permit any unforgiveness to live in any part of my being. Now, pray for that person, and release Daddys blessing upon them. When any residual pain arises, and the enemy tries to bring thoughts back into your mind to re-create the hurt and try to bring back any unforgiveness, you are to stand against him. YOU ARE TO SPEAK THIS OUT LOUD, AS WELL: No, I refuse those emotions and thoughts! I have forgiven them, and I stand in forgiveness with them. Now, thoughts – be gone! And be sure to change your thoughts to something else – ANYTHING else that is Godly, in order to remove the thought the enemy is trying to plant. It is usually a good idea to let the other person know that you hold nothing against them, as well. If they will also forgive you, then that is all the better. If they will not, then you will have full confidence that you have done your part. In the days beyond, hold fast to your Father and His ways, as well as what you have decreed – and the devil will flee from you. DO NOT GIVE HIM AN INCH OF GROUND! See, when you first proclaimed your forgiveness of this person, youve planted the seed (if you have faith, you will say...). As you continue to stand your ground and hold fast to Gods Word, you are nurturing the plant. It is then just a matter of time before the plant becomes the largest tree in the garden, and the feelings and thoughts will be put under your feet entirely - and for good! And just like with any other fights with the enemy, even if this thought pops back up a decade later – you are to utilize the same principles, and strike the thoughts down with your words. Again, everything that we do, receive and operate in is done by our Fathers means and methods: BY FAITH, AND NOT BY OUR HUMAN SENSES! So, disregard how you feel about these things, and employ the principles and powers that He has given us – and go on to live in the complete peace and freedom he has purchased and given to you! - Pastor Brad
Posted on: Thu, 10 Oct 2013 17:09:31 +0000

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