HAY HAY YOU YES YOU ... you want to know the truth about the - TopicsExpress


HAY HAY YOU YES YOU ... you want to know the truth about the people of GAZA and TERROR organization HAMAS , do your self a favor and just watch this short clip its going to explain what the IDF have to deal with in a daily basis , once and for all lets the truth to expose so all the Hippocrates and the pro Palestinians will go back to their homes and realize that they are worship evil and supporting people and organizations that just believe in death and willing to die for their stupidity , REALIZE ONE THING THE STATE OF ISRAEL AND THE JEWISH PEOPLE OWN THIS LAND WAY BEFORE THE ARABS WHO CALLED THEMSELVES PALESTINIANS WAS EVEN IN THE PICTURE , its the land that promised to our beloved holly fathers , Abraham ,Izahak and Yakov . will stay hear for eternity , so be smart because when i wake up in the morning i choose to be part of those life and worship honesty and prosperity and healthy body & mind and i keep repeating it every single day with the blessing of my creator , WAKE -UP !!! people and share this with the world so everyone out there , personal people ,small & big companies and yes most important governments around the world that forgot that ISRAEL is truly the only real democracy in the history of the middle-east . its not to late to support the better side , stop lying to your self its a shame to wake up in the morning and live in a big lie . god bless you all , i pray every day for the safety and the peace of my people , i love you israel no matter where i will be i know the truth and i will support you till my last day , YES so do you , do your self a favor !
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 03:36:13 +0000

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