HAZING 2 MOVEMENTS THAT WILL BE IN THE COMPETITION Dead Lifts ( Light ) Hang Cleans ( Squat & Power ) ( Light ) Shoulder to Over head ( All variations will be allowed ) Running Atlas Stone cleans (43 / 73 ) Snatch ( Squat & Power ) ( Light ) Squats (All variations ) Atlas Stone carry ( 43 / 73 ) Kettle Bell Swings ( 35 / 53 ) Over Head Squats ( 35 / 65 ) Dumbbell Ground to Over Head ( 25 / 45 ) Jump rope Singles ( doubles only in final if at all ) Chin up hold Sit-ups Dead Hang From Pull-up bar Burpees Box Jumps (20 / 24 ) ( Step ups allowed ) Wall Balls ( 14 / 20 ) Hand Release Push-ups Pull-ups ( would only be seen in final if at all ) Lunges ( walking & in place ) Sumo Dead Lift High Pull ( Bar or KB ) ( Light ) Movements you will not see: Pistols Hand Stand Push-ups Muscle ups Toes To Bar Bar Muscle ups GHD Sit ups Please understand that this is a scaled competition. While there may not be certain movements in this competition we ask that athletes come prepared to face all that is presented to them. We understand that many people are looking at this competition as a first or first of few comps to get their feet wet. And with that we are not looking to destroy you. We are excited to give athletes the opportunity to compete in an environment that promotes growth in ones self. So stay positive and come enjoy a competitive day with you will not be sorry
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 21:47:16 +0000

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