HC For Amal The Library was becoming a regular haunt for Amal. - TopicsExpress


HC For Amal The Library was becoming a regular haunt for Amal. Not that she did much real studying, but she tried. End-of-year exams were coming up and Amal was determined to do well. It was just so hard… he seemed to be everywhere she went! When she tried to study in the common room, there he was with his ruffled ginger hair and his loud, hilarious voice. Amal ran her fingers through her soft brown hair and sighed. Just thinking about Ron Weasley distracted her. She shook her head. She really had to get down to studying. Minutes later, she wasn’t alone at her table anymore. Ron and Hermione sat down across from her, Hermione carrying armloads of books. “Mind if we join you?” Ron said with a bright smile. “Not at all!” Amal said, sudden shyness overcoming her as Ron spoke to her. Gosh, he was just so good looking! Hermione smiled at her, glancing at her notes. “Studying for Potions?” She asked. “Yeah, for days.” Amal sighed. “I don’t know why it’s so hard for me.” “I’m sure you’ll do great, Amal.” Ron said encouragingly. “You know, if you need help studying… I’d love to study with you!” Amal glanced up at him, “Really? Me?” “Yeah! In fact, let’s go now! C’mon.” Ron grabbed his pack and books, waving goodbye to a baffled Hermione. He led Amal to the back of the library, to a quiet corner that, judging by the dust, rarely got used. “Amal, I’ll be honest. I didn’t bring you back here just to study.” Amal stared at him, a confused look on her face. “Well then why did you?” Ron stared at her silently for a moment, and then reached across the table to grab her hand. “I brought you back here so I could tell you that… well, I fancy you Amal.” Amal was lost for words for a moment. “Me? Why would you fancy me?” “There’re so many reasons. You’re pretty, you’re funny, and you’re so kind. Will you go out with me Amal?” Amal hesitated, but then a huge smile spread across her face. “Of course I will, Ron. You know, I’ve fancied you for ages.” “What? Why didn’t you ever tell me?” “I didn’t think I had a chance.” Ron smiled at her, squeezing her hand. “Well, now you know you do.” BROUGHT TO YOU BY: ~TA Aurora Borealis~
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 16:00:43 +0000

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