HC For Trinity Hermione and Ginny sat next to each other across - TopicsExpress


HC For Trinity Hermione and Ginny sat next to each other across from Moria and complained nonstop. “I can’t believe how terribly difficult this Potions final is going to be!” Hermione exclaimed. “I mean, why would they make it so hard to just finish?” Ginny put her arm around Hermione, “You’ll be fine, Hermione.” She soothed. “You’re the smartest witch ever!” Hermione beamed at her, “Oh, come on now Ginny.” “I mean it. You’ll do great.” They smiled at each other warmly. Moria sighed quietly. Looking across the library for an empty table, she saw that they were all taken. She could join Ron and Harry at their study table, but with another glance she realized that they were holding hands under the table. Moria made herself look away so she wouldn’t stare. Good lord. A few minutes later, Moria was walking down the corridors of Hogwarts. She wasn’t sure where she was going, just that she knew that she needed to leave that stuffy library. She walked and walked and walked. She was in a haze, not paying attention to anything. Her mind wandered from exams to the oncoming end of her seventh year, to Hermione and Ginny happy in their relationship, to her own unfulfilled dreams of romance. As if fate knew what her mind was on, right at that moment she literally ran into Professor Snape. She gasped, dropping her books and papers all over the floor. She quickly dropped down to her knees and scrambled to pick them back up. As she collected her quills and parchment, a hand bumped into hers. She glanced up to see Snape’s face scant inches from hers. She blushed and looked down again, picking up the rest of her things. She quickly stood up, apologies spilling out. “Professor, I’m really sorry!” Snape smiled at her, “It’s fine, Moria. I’m sure you have a lot on your mind with my Potions exam coming up.” Moria grinned back wryly, “That’s the truth, professor.” Snape stared at her, “You know, Moria, in a few weeks you will no longer be my student.” “Yes, Professor.” He glanced around, and then said, “Do you think, after you’re done with school, you might join me for a meal at Diagon Alley sometime?” Moria stared at him, and then smiled up at the man. “I’d really like that.” Snape beamed at her and reached out, caressing her face. “You’re so beautiful.” He murmured. Straightening up, he shook himself, glancing around again, “Now, Moria, I suggest you continue your studying.” He winked at her, and turned around and walked away. BROUGHT TO YOU BY: ~TA Aurora Borealis~
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 07:08:24 +0000

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