HE LIBATION (TAMBIKO) We call upon our ancestors far and near - TopicsExpress


HE LIBATION (TAMBIKO) We call upon our ancestors far and near Fathers of our fathers, mothers of our mothers To bear witness to what we have done, And by their example, to continue to inspire us toward, Reclaimig our African minds, regenerating our African spirit, Liberating our home land, and reclaiming our greatness as a people. We pour this libation to bring into our midst their venerable African spirit, radiating their great wisdom, courage, dedication, and unyielding commitment to victory by any means necessary. It is in the honor of our Creator, our Ancestors, our Children and their children that we pour this libation. For the Creator, and the various manifestation of the Creative spirit; We Pour Libation (Audience respond "Ashay"/Be with us) For our esteemed ancestors, who laid the foundation for human civilization, and who provided the wisdom by which we live and the models by which our lives are guided; We Pour Libation (Audience respond "Ashay"/Be with us) For our esteem ancestors who have suffered the atrocities and horrors of our MAAFA, and yet demonstrtated the victorious power of the African spirit against adversity, by maintaining their dignity no matter the cost. We Pour Libation (Audience respond "Ashay"/Be with us) And for those ancestors who survived and made it posible for us to be here today to continue on their valiant struggle for African liberation and vindication. We Pour Libation (Audience respond "Ashay"/Be with us) And finally, for our Children and their children and future generations of Africans to come, that they too in their time will vindicate our race from all adversaries and continue to imprint upon the world the great genius of african humanity; We Pour Libation (Audience respond "Ashay"/Be with us) May their venerable African spirit engulf this occasion to reaffirm our Africanity. It is done. Amon is satisfied. The African Pledge We are an Afrikan People!! We will remember the humanity, glory and suffering of our ancestors. We will honor the struggles of our elders. We will strive to bring new values and new life to our people. We will have peace and harmony among us. We will be loving, sharing and creative. We will work, study and listen so we may learn, learn so we may teach. We will cultivate self reliance. We will struggle to resurrect and unify our homeland. We will raise many children for our nation. We will have discipline, patience, devotion and courage. We will live as models to provide new directions for our people. We will be free and self-determining. We are an Afrikan people, and we will win, and we will win, and we will win!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 20:58:38 +0000

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