HE NEVER CEASES TO AMAZE ME Well well guess who showed up at my - TopicsExpress


HE NEVER CEASES TO AMAZE ME Well well guess who showed up at my friends house? Larry, my kids dad. He thought hed show up unannounced to collect my daughters school books since she moved out of state. Lol. I heard my son calling me when I was in the bathroom and I thought his dad had a Change of heart this evening. But nope he needed something as usual. Normally,Im the peacemaker and just give in. However I requested my daughters birth certificate, immunizations, and paycheck from him earlier this weekend and he said hed think about it and that he could probably help me out since we need to get her stuff squared away for her to begin school. So I asked if he managed to bring her paperwork since were running out of time. He said nope and proceeded to show me a bill from he school for the books. I said sorry but Ill only be exchanging her books for her paperwork that she needs. He said too bad pay and get my own. This is the guy who still keeps a copy of my birth certificate and social security card. We were NEVER MARRIED and have been split up for 16 1/2 years now!! He needs my records because??? exactly!! Lol. So i told him Im leaving the books here at my friends house. He said hed tell the school to bill me instead. I said fine good luck getting the books. Is he really such a jerk that he cant help his own daughter out so she can start school on time. Hes more worried about his ass and a bill? Wow what a sorry set of priorities. I couldnt believe after the bullshit of the last 2 days that he seriously thought hed just cruise over here and get what he needs and wants from Mom, as usual. Lol. Im done with playing doormat. Yep this is the way he puts the kids best interests to work. He then got pissed and pealed out of here with my son. Its okay, I made my son the dinner I planned on making him this weekend and a friend took me by his dads house to drop it off! Woohoo! Lol. Dad just glared at me thru the porch window. So at least my baby gets my dinner. Try again Dad, lets try this new thing.....maybe youve heard of it.....its called compromise and working together for the best interest of the kids .....not yourself. obviously if the court believed in your ability to make good decisions, we wouldnt have had a special mediator and a 30 page court order with very specific arrangements and guidelines. You think? Call me when youre ready to put the kids first and ill probably be able to help you out. Thank you everyone for your prayers today. You guys are so awesome. Whew I made it thru the day without hardly a scratch.....thank God too! I love you. Be. blessed.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 05:07:23 +0000

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