HE TOUCHED OUR LIVES! Last week, we were at a business training - TopicsExpress


HE TOUCHED OUR LIVES! Last week, we were at a business training and development session where we were lodged for two nights. After the first night, we were about to have breakfast in the hotel restaurant when we saw an older gentleman seating by himself and having his breakfast. We recognised him as one of the business leaders as well as a pastor from Ireland. While we were being taken to our table, we stopped briefly by his to say hello and I then mentioned to him that Eddie is also a pastor. He never heard anything more from us; he did not even ask for our names nor our business levels and links - he just issued a surprising instruction firmly. He went sit down here. We did not have a choice but to obey. He then started talking to us about himself, how he went from absolutely nothing a few years ago to building his business as well as a church. He has been pastoring for over 25 years now and has also built a successful business alongside. He went from talking to us (complete strangers) about how to successfully balance your home, (it was his 50th wedding anniversary, raising Godly children, pastoring and also running an effective and successful business. He spent about 30 precious minutes with us; giving us tips and pointers in various areas of life. He shared wisdom with us from age, experience and scriptures. It was a valuable time indeed. What I found quite remarkable was his willingness to give. He did not even know us; but was determined to treat us like his children. As he finished his dinner, he took out his business card and gave Eddie his private numbers as well as invited Eddie to come over to Ireland one of these days to preach in his church. It was genuinely sweet of this man. Just before he left, I asked him a simple question; when are you going to retire sir; to which he looked me straight in the eyes and said NEVER! We retire when we go home, said this 74 year old gentleman. I was more than impressed, I was inspired! What a man. He has touched so many lives with the gospel and with his business, which he was running with his wife. They were a picture of where Eddie and I see ourselves in a couple of decades time. With his generous and sharing spirit, I am now not surprised that he is extremely successful both as a business man as well as a pastor. I thought, when he departs this world; he will surely be missed by people whose lives he has impacted both in the ministry and in the market place. He has changed many lives for good forever. There are still many people that touch our lives today and make impact on a regular basis. Abraham was just a gentleman that was kind. In his kindness, he entertained angels and due to that, he extended Gods mercy to his family members. Hebrews 13:2 puts it perfectly well Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realising it. Hebrews 13:2 If the bible says ..do not forget; it means that in our busy lifestyle we may forget to show kindness to the people around us and miss out on opportunities in life. Showing hospitality and kindness should be a distinct sign of a believer and every time we do that, we impact the lives of the people around us. The gentleman pastor we met last week may have forgotten us; but we will never forget him because he touched our lives through his time, words and general act of kindness (particularly because he did not have to spend time with us) There are many lives waiting for your attention, for you to touch with your words of wisdom, a word of encouragement, a word of support, a prayer and many more ways. We are Gods missionaries we should also aim to touch lives daily. God is on your side!
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 20:27:50 +0000

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