HE VERY CONCISELY AND SUCCINCTLY LAID OUT THE HISTORY AND SITUATIONS OF VIOLENCE IN AMERICA; AND THE CURRENT CONDITION OF PEOPLE OF COLOR, IN PARTICULAR BLACK MEN IN AMERICA. THIS NEEDS TO BE WIDELY CIRCULATED. “…...involvement of violence in Black folks comes from that long history, that the president was talking about, that we have to remember that we learned from the best. As in White-boys came over here and did the first be-headings in Point Coupee, LA, where Im from. Slave insurrection, that was the way you dealt with it. Tuskegee Syphilis Incident were going to see how Black men die if they have syphilis. But we pretend that we treat them with penicillin and were just going to watch the pathology of how they die. Now that wasnt back 200 years ago that was 1930 to 1974. Then we talk about giving these wonderful blankets to Native Americans infected with smallpox as they walked on that trail of tears, just to see how they die, and to eliminate their population so that we can take all that land. So the violence that is in America has come from a very learned position that was brought here by some Caucasian folks. So now when it comes to the NFL you have Black men who have taken advantage of this opportunity to go there. So for every one, two or three that may have been in the news because of violence, there are another 2,000 that comport themselves as gentlemen, as husbands, as fathers, and as great professionals. So we must remember them also. People are responding to that. They see that image of that Black man. One of the MacArthur Foundation fellows, just wonders....... psychologist, Jennifer Eberhardt, from Stanford, who deals with racial messaging and inequalities that people..... its ither learned or subconscious, that when you see me in a certain situation, you think violence, but if they see you in a certain situation people dont see violence. So the image of the Black man being violent has been perpetuated for a long time.” (Wendell Piece, actor “Ray Donovan”)
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 21:38:46 +0000

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