HEADACHES: DO NOT IGNORE THEM. These posts are written only for - TopicsExpress


HEADACHES: DO NOT IGNORE THEM. These posts are written only for the purpose of trying to encourage others to address symptoms of physical problems in an intelligent way, neither ignoring them, nor simply masking them hoping the causes will go away. Also to help the rest of us to be more understanding and helpful when possible, toward each other, understanding that but by the grace of God, we could be in the shoes of the sufferer. Neither ignore, nor run to the medicine cabinet for an aspirin at the sign a headache coming for a visit. I have known people who took so much medication their minds stayed in a stuporous condition almost all the time. I made my decision as a young man to neither be a habitual drug dependent person (this was during the period when our nation was heading in that direction and a majority have now reached that point), nor one who would deliberately include a mind altering medication to become a part of my normal way of life. Aspirin gives me nosebleeds, therefore a doctor concluded (and correctly so) that they would likely make me bleed internally, so one common drug was eliminated by consent, including everything containing it. But what about those headaches? All pain is good for us in one sense; it is a warning sign that something is wrong with our body. Rather than kick the cat, we need to address the problem. Looking for a fix for the pain and stopping there is sort of like holding a gun to our head and pulling the trigger with only one round in the revolver. Eventually, that round will get under the firing pen, then goodbye. So with some, not all, pain. Headaches are the nervous system telling us that it is time to take care of a problem. The problem with that is, most doctors are too busy to help find the problem, and the drug industry sats, here, let me make you more comfortable until that round gets under the firing pin. During a time when I was recovering (through self help, with the supervision of my physician) from congestive heart failure, serious headaches developed. I said nothing because I knew one of the necessary supplements could cause headaches in some people. These pains proved later to not be the result of that supplement. These were not just pounding pains, they were excruciating, face flushing pains which would almost blind me at times. They were not occasional, but daily, nearly all my waking moments. I tried playing detective to no avail. After more than six years, they have grown sporadic and of lesser degree, but there are days when they appear. When I took myself off the artificial sweeteners (one or more of them is in nearly all processed food from bread to canned and frozen foods) after a few weeks I observed the lessening of pain, and then reached the point that now I only have normal headaches one or two days a week and hopefully the poisons will leave my body so that the headache will be a rare occurrence which I can easily ignore except to wonder about the cause. Taking the time to write these is neither pleasant nor a casual frittering away of my time. The cause of these painful days was evidently from being poisoned by high fructose corn syrup, Sucralose/Splenda, and Aspartame./Equal. In my research, I learned that such headaches were one of the symptoms of this poisoning. As the poisons are slowly flushed from my body, the symptoms subside. My problem was twofold: 1. Not doing proper research to learn the cause, but thinking it was something either in my environment, or in my food, but not thinking of sweeteners which everyone, even our government proclaimed safe. Never again! 2. Not confiding in anyone who could help me. At present there is no way to know if some damage to my body is permanent or if the poisons will leave the vital organs affected and the effects will follow them. I do know that the Pancreas was affected heavily, and it has shown faint signs of improvement, but not consistently. If it improves sufficiently, my type two diabetes will go away. There is no question about it, I have been a part of a great, and growing greater, part of a society suffering from many seriously grave problems which have already been proved fatal to hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, in our country alone. My suggestion: if you have any symptom of any sort of illness, stop the ingestion of all high corn fructose, Sucralose, and Aspartame. Saccharin is the oldest artificial sweetener, dating back into the eighteen hundreds with no apparent serious problems and I do not include it with the others. Although if you consume the equivalent of saccharin contained in 85 cans of diet cola per day you will either die of choking or contract cancer because of such huge amounts. I am not saying that these sweeteners are responsible for all illness. I am saying that since they are so poisonous, that one or more could be responsible. Get a biochemist to describe what happens chemically inside a cell into which goes fructose. That alone will scare any rational person away from fructose. You may, or may not choose to quit the poison, or continue to help them accumulate in your body. The body of each of us eliminates poison at a different speed. Mine, only after fifty years of constant use, finally succumbed so much that my attention was forced to find a cause. Yours may mask the symptoms until strokes, heart attack, cancer,, or some other fatal illness strikes and takes you off the list of sufferers. Formaldehyde, dioxin, just to mention two of the poisons, are alone sufficient to cause me to stay away from those products as much as is humanly possible for as long as I live. Each must make their own choice. I do not wish to die a lingering, anguish filled suffering conclusion to life if it is in my power to help prevent it. ADDENDA: TWO OF THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTORS IN GOOD HEALTH ARE GOOD NUTRITION AND PROPER, SUFFICIENT EXERCISE.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 14:59:53 +0000

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