HEALTH BENEFITS OF CHOCOLATE Chocolate comes from cocoa beans, - TopicsExpress


HEALTH BENEFITS OF CHOCOLATE Chocolate comes from cocoa beans, the seeds of the Theobroma cacao tree, which, along with other plants like tea, are high in flavanols. CANCER AND INFLAMMATION PREVENTION This abundant phenolic plant compound has marked antioxidant and anti- inflammatory properties known to prevent cancers and chronic inflammatory conditions. BLOOD PRESSURE Chocolate lowers blood pressure. The blood pressure-lowering properties of chocolate are thought to be due to flavanols, which stimulate the production of inner blood vessel lining (endothelial) nitric oxide, causing vasodilation with resultant reduction in blood pressure. STROKE Increasing chocolate consumption by 50 g per week is believed to reduce brain (cerebral) death (infarction) risk and hemorrhagic stroke risk by 27%, and total stroke risk by 14%. CHOLESTEROL DARK and unprocessed chocolate, with at least 60%-70% cocoa, is associated with decreased low-density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) levels and increased high-density lipoprotein (good cholesterol) levels. Cocoa does contain saturated fat, but it is primarily stearic acid, which is cholesterol neutral. COGNITION A study called The Cocoa, Cognition and Aging or CoCoA -- study concluded that cognitive function and flexibility as well as verbal fluency scores significantly improved in those who had consumed the highest amount of cocoa flavanols in liquid form, possibly by improving glucose-insulin metabolism. BMI Frequent chocolate consumption is associated with a lower body mass index (BMI). BMI is an anthropometric measure of body mass, defined as weight in kilograms divided by height in metres squared (W, kg/ H, m2). It is a predictor of obesity. Growing evidence suggests that chocolate has metabolic benefits putting ones BMI in a normal ratio. * Keep in mind that OVERLY processed chocolate ( most of the candy aisle ) often contains added sugar and saturated fatty acids. * So stick with DARK, flavanol-rich varieties.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 05:53:38 +0000

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