HEALTH LIFESTYLE : Skipping a meal or two will make u a little - TopicsExpress


HEALTH LIFESTYLE : Skipping a meal or two will make u a little slim and also WEAK !! Breakfast is essential for ur brain not ur body !! Unknowingly u will be damaging ur brain Accomplish good lifestyle with these tips !! 1. Balanced weight: The first things you need to do, categorize your food. Because of you need to eat all kinds of protein. If you only eat one food group too much (i.e. taking excessive protein and low amount of carbohydrates), then you never get the right nutrition. This may lead you to gain weight. So, eat all types of food for balanced weight. 2. Eat vegetables: Vegetables contains minerals and vitamins. For human body this two is very essential. Most of the vegetables also contain fiber. Fiber helps you to decrease toxins and wastes. For your body’s need eat vegetables at least once a week to avoid various diseases. 3. Take a good breakfast: Breakfast is the most necessary meal of the day. There are lots of people does not aware about this meal. Without eating a good breakfast you may feel tired. Don’t eat just one cup of tea or coffee in your breakfast. Arrange egg, milk or some high protein food for your breakfast. Because rest of the day a busy and working schedule you may follow. 4. Take an easy lunch: Light lunch is important for diet plan. You never feel hungry if you eat a good breakfast. Eat soup, salad or fruit to decrease extra fat. Most of the people are not careful about this. But you should be very careful when take a lunch. 5. Do not eat before sleep: The most easy and rapid way to gain weight is, taking snack before bedtime. This is actually true for junk foods. Because junk foods content high sodium, which is not burning a much calories when you sleeping. You should avoid taking any snacks before bedtime. 6. Eat marinated grilled food: Grilled food like grilled fish, meat or poultry is good for your health. Because when you grill those, extra fat from those foods will burning off. You better use low fat marinade like lemon juice or BBQ sauce to make these foods tasty. 7. Add seafood or fish to your eating habits: Try to eat fish or seafood twice a week. Fish contain omega-3 fatty acids, which can eliminate the probability of heart attack. 8. Eat Wheat bread: Wheat bread have much more fiber than white bread. Fiber is the important for to decrease toxins from our body. 9. Avoid saturated fats: Hydrogenated vegetable oils, various kinds of whole milk products and fatty meats contain rich saturated fats. These foods are well known for high calories, which cause high blood pressure. Doctors say that you don’t need more that 20 grams saturated fats in a single day. 10. Take low calories: You should always take in fewer calories compared to spend rate if you have already over weight. 11. Avoid Sugar: Do not eat much sugar, it contains low nutrient and too many calories 12. Biological Value: Search for food items with high biological value, known as BV. These kinds of foods have quality protein, which essential for our body’s amino acids needs. Fish, milk and egg are this type of food. 13. Physical Activity: Those men and women are healthier than others who are physically active. Because of physical activity is important to reduce extra fats. 14. GI Facts: Eat those foods that have low GI. This means glycemic index. This kind of food contains complex carbohydrates. 15. Caloric Value: Maintain your entire caloric value associated with fat in your nutrition plan between 15%-30%. 16. Eat small portion but more often: Try to eat less although more frequently. By eating foods that are little in amount but more often can keep people full of energy at all the day long. 17. Avoid junk food: Always try to avoid junk foods like pizza, burger etc. Junk foods do nothing but increase your weight rapidly. 18. Do not eat excessive food: If you take an excessive amount of food in a single meal than you can’t afford to take your next necessary meal. So do not eat too much at one sitting. This is not good for your health. 19. Think before day start: you should consume your day before is wasted 20. Take Exercise: The final nutrition tip is take exercise on a daily basis. But remember that excessive exercise may harmful your body.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 03:44:46 +0000

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