| HEALTH, NUTRITION, PRODUCTS, WEIGHT MANAGEMENT We are very pleased to feature a special guest blogger this week: Hannah Bailey! Hannah Bailey is a fully qualified nutritionist based in Sheffield, UK. She studied Public Health Nutrition at Sheffield Hallam University and set her business Wise Choice Nutrition shortly after. The degree is recognized by the Association for Nutrition of which, Hannah is a member. She has been in business for 3 years and has worked with a range of clients on weight loss, healthy eating and sports nutrition. Hannah works with clients face to face and remotely via Skype. Her passion is educating people to eat real food and discover the huge benefits it has on health. Here’s what she had to say about our products: I first came across Forever Living Products about 2 years ago at a networking event and was immediately impressed by the products. Whilst I’m not a Distributor, the products are natural without a lot of added chemicals, which is hugely important to a lot of my clients and anyone deciding to use a supplement. Forever Living’s line of weight management products are an absolute favorite among my clients during the initial stages of weight loss, especially for those with a lot of weight to lose. The Clean 9 Detox program yields particularly great results, and most of my clients have used it to kick-start their diets, using the Aloe Vera Gel as an additional product throughout their weight loss journey and beyond. Another Forever favorite is Forever Lite Ultra® with Aminotein®, its premium line of soy-based meal replacement shakes designed specifically for weight loss. Available in Vanilla and Chocolate flavors, many of my clients like to customise these with different ingredients including: • Mint • Chopped nuts • Berries • Oranges • Bananas With such a wide range of high quality health and nutritional supplements, my clients continue to love the flexibility that Forever’s products offer. There is something for everyone! Forever’s natural products are critical in helping my clients focus on incorporating more natural foods and supplements in their diet. The phrase “you are what you eat” is so true. The less processed foods (those that are high in chemicals and artificial ingredients) we eat, the healthier our bodies will be. Here are my top 5 tips for successful weight loss: • Plan your meals in advance and shop only for the food you need. If there’s nothing unhealthy in the house, you won’t be tempted to eat it. • Stop making excuses! One of the most common ones is: “I buy it for the kids.” The kids don’t need it either, so get rid of it! • Find a buddy. This doesn’t have to be someone who is losing weight too, just someone you can share your journey with – through the bad days as well as the good. • Take up an exercise that you enjoy. There’s no point joining a gym if you hate it! • Allow yourself a treat once a week. Depriving yourself of everything will make you binge. For more information on the Forever Weight management products please email me on karen@thealoelife
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 16:04:08 +0000

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