HEALTH TIPS: MAIN BENEFITS OF COLON CLEANSING AND FOOD THAT HELPS TO CLEANSE THE COLON It is known that colon cleansing helps to improve the overall health as well as wellness levels of the body.It may even reduce the risk for colon cancer.The main benefits of colon cleansing are mentioned below: 1. Improving the digestive System:- when the colon is cleansed,it pushes out the undigested waste from the system and improves digestion. 2. Helps in prevention of Constipation:- constipation is chronic and can cause a sluggish response in digestion which in turn leaves the wastes in the system for a longer time. 3. Increase of Energy:- when toxins are released from the body,one feels rejuvenated as energy is refocused from forcing wastes through the intestines and from other parts of the body. 4. Increasing the absorption of vitamins and nutrients:- when the colon is detoxified, it allows the essential nutrients to be filled into the blood stream. 5. Improving Concentration:- when one has ineffective vitamins absorption and a poor diet, they are often distracted and lose their concentration. 6. Kick-Starts weight loss:- with the help of colon cleansing,weight loss is aided greatly and one can loose up to 20 pounds in a month. 7. Colon cancer risks are decreased:- most of the toxins we eat, breathe in or drink are absorbed and proceeded by the gastrointestinal system including the liver. They need to be flushed out from the Colon and liver as quickly as possible or the body system is affected. 8. Fertility increase:- when one increases their fiber intake and healthy food diet, colon cleansing is done more regularly and that helps to rid the body of unwanted toxins and chemicals which can affect the health of sperm and the egg. 9. PH balance is maintained:- Food that blocks out the colon is acid forming and that throws the ph levels out of balance. 10. Improving the feeling of well being:- when the colon is rid of toxins and wastes that in turn leads to strength, a feeling of lightness and a general feel good factor. Colon cleansing is important for the system as well as for the skin.When the impurities are removed from the body, it enhances the beauty of the outer skin.When the colon does not function properly,one may suffer from different digestive problems and ailments. Food that consists of fiber and are soluble will aid indigestion and to fight constipation. The colon cleansing food items needs to be added to ones diet. TOP TEN FOODS THAT HELP TO CLEANSE THE COLON ARE:- 1. Lemon:- Citrous fruits like lemon are good for cleansing the system. A glass of lemon juice every morning will help to detoxify and cleanse the system. 2. Spinach:- Consuming green leafy vegetables like spinach will help to clean the colon and protect the digestive tract from different ailment. 3. Broccoli Sprouts:- These are known to be beneficial for cleaning the liver and aiding in digestion along with cleansing the colon. 4. Fruit Juices:- One needs to make fruit juice a part of daily diet as if helps in cleansing the colon with their rich content of fiber, enzymes and cleansing salt. 5. Garlic:- This spice is not only heart healthy but pungent ingredient in most dishes is beneficial for cleansing. 6. Fish:- Unlike animal meat, fish meat is rich in Omega-3 fatty acid and other essential oils that help to cleanse the system and improve digestion. 7. Avocado:- This beneficial fruits is rich in Omega-3 fatty acid and oils that help to lubricate the walls of the intestines, that in turn, prevents the toxins from sticking to the walls and they get flushed out. 8. Whole grain:- Food like bread, pasta and flour are rich in fiber, low in calorie and cholesterol. They enable colon cleaning and aid better digestion. 9. Green tea:- If you wish to detox your liver as well as lose weight, you need to consume green tea 10. Water:- This is very essential to the body, it also aids digestion and cleansing of the colon SHARE TO SAVE LIVES
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 13:03:35 +0000

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