HEAR THIS, OH YE HOSTS OF HEAVENLY JERUSALEM: If we are six of us - TopicsExpress


HEAR THIS, OH YE HOSTS OF HEAVENLY JERUSALEM: If we are six of us in unity through Christ and we can raised USA $ 20 each, .we will jointly raise $ 120 which could buy space in say in Uganda or Nambia or Russia or China, or Philippines or Kenya, or Italy or in Canada, or in one of the States in South or North America Newspapers to publish an inspired message in one day......which will enable us to reach out to millions of Uganda Newspapers readers on that day!. Why are we complacent or slumbering? The devil has blinded our eyes, with earthly Jerusalem visible Jewish visible things of the old Covenant Bible! 2 Corinth 3: 5-6...13-15, 1 John 2: 7-8, Isaiah 45: 7-8. God would like you and me to unite to reach many suffering souls because of lack of understanding the Truth of the Bible. Gal 5: 16-22. If you are revealed, we can join hands and achieve this in our poor state, please write to me so that through the New Covenant Bible we can reach millions of people around the world for the glory of the Kingdom of God. WE will overthrow the carnal knowledge giants now leaving in our land of INHERITANCE. We do not have enough resources but we have God fighting the Spiritual war for us. We do not much time left. Let us be obedient to God so that we can be used by God to reach out to millions of carnal knowledge souls bound and in slavery at earthly Jerusalem City/Kingdom. Let us listen carefully to the instructions of how we can overthrow in a spiritual battle the carnal knowledge giants ruling in church systems in whole world. Do not waste time doing nothing. Do not waste time in using very expensive carnal knowledge missions, crusades, conferences, seminars that do not archive much. And do waste time in building big church structures where the invisible God is worshiped in pretense while carnal knowledge worshipers are worshiping the visible god of this world. It is only by the New Covenant Bible where the invisible God is worshiped in truth and Spirit!. Please let us adopt the revealed methods which can reach many people in a day using the perfect gospel messages given to us by the Spirit of God. And God will say Well done my sons and daughters, there is the Kingdom inherit it! Let us go across the present day Jordan river of evil men, who do not like us to cross from the old Covenant Bible into the New Covenant Bible to a Holy Spiritual place called Canaan and serve the true God in the knowledge and wisdom of God of the Spirit of God and in TRUTH. He would like join the Holy Spirit and me in this venture, please write to me so that we take the gospel to all nations. Forget the former things in which carnal knowledge millions of people are still walking jn the earthly Jerusalem city/ kingdom of copies and shadows of darkness, bondage and death. Let us reach out to the nations with the Heavenly Jerusalem kingdom/ city invisible things that give eternal life to souls revealed through the New Covenant Bible by Holy Spirit..Gal 4: 21-28, 2 Corinth 3: 5-6...13-15.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 21:22:52 +0000

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