HEART OF THANKSGIVING!Paul Dhinakaran In everything give - TopicsExpress


HEART OF THANKSGIVING!Paul Dhinakaran In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (1 Thessalonians 5:18) The Dhinakarans My dear beloved, When Jesus sojourned on this earth, a huge crowd kept following Him. Once after His teaching, He called His disciples and said I have compassion on the multitude, because they have now been with Me three days and have nothing to eat His disciples skeptically answered: How can we satisfy these people with bread here in the wilderness? Jesus wanted to know how many loaves they had. They told Him that they had seven loaves and a few fishes. Jesus took them and gave thanks, broke them and gave them to His disciples to be distributed to them. After He gave thanks the few loaves and fishes multiplied so much that all the people ate and were satisfied; and they took up seven large baskets of left over fragments after feeding about four thousand. Wasnt that amazing to know! One brother shared with us about his daughter who was allergic to fish. One day when his daughter was at school, he brought fish, asked his wife to prepare a tasty fish menu and started eating it with great relish. At that time, suddenly, without any warning, the daughter appeared on the scene. Her abrupt coming saddened her father. Moreover, the daughter asked her father to give her also some fish. He was forced into a dilemma. He was moved with love for her but worried thinking that she would be tortured by the allergy. At that time the Holy Spirit descended upon him and asked him to thank God for the fish and give it to her, remembering the Biblical verse, For every creature of God Is good, and nothing Is to be refused if It is received with thanksgiving. (I Tim.4:4). The father gave her the fish, with thanksgiving. As the thanksgiving sprang from the bottom of his heart, the Spirit of God was poured into it; once she ate the fish offered with intense thanksgiving, there was no allergy thereafter; she received complete health, having been relieved of allergy! Yes! if we are thankful to God, God will certainly give us what we have thanked Him for. He will remove our disease and give us health; He will release us from our loan problems and meet all our worldly needs. Praise God for His great deeds and mighty powers. Glorify Him, pondering over all the good things and miracles He has done in our lives! Offer Him thanksgiving for the abundant blessings He is going to give us, with great faith. Then He will prove to us His mighty power in our lives and will bless us immeasurably! Prayer: Loving Lord Jesus, I thank and praise You for Your great deeds in my life. Thank You for all the good things that You have done in my life. With much faith, I thank You for the abundant blessings that You are going to give me in the days ahead. Bless me according to my faith. Enable me to receive whatever I ask for in prayer. Let darkness depart from my life and your divine light surround me. Give abundant joy in my heart. In Your matchless name I pray. Amen. ----
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 02:10:58 +0000

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