HEART OF THE MATTER There is no greater investment that you - TopicsExpress


HEART OF THE MATTER There is no greater investment that you can make than the investment you make in yourself. There is no greater return on investment on Earth that is greater than the ROI on books. I don’t care what the price of gold, oil, water, real estate, or pork bellies is right now, the return on investment from a single book outstrips all others. I’ve been fortunate enough to have received a formal education. The price of a college degree, a degree from law school, and a master’s degree are individually staggering, let alone collectively. But the price of the diploma isn’t the real price. The real price you pay for an education is measured in the time you spend reading the books and trading and arguing big ideas with a group of smart people. It’s a lot of money, but you can and will get the money back and more. But will you really invest the time to sharpen your thinking skills without the formal education? The truth is that most won’t. The return on the time invested getting an education pays dividends for the rest of your life. Whenever I want to learn something,…………………… if you would like to have the complete article for keeps, then PLEASE CAREFULLY FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTION BELOW. 1. Send me a friend request 2. After sending me friend request, go to my page and send me a private message (inbox) informing me that you need the complete article titled: HEART OF THE MATTER. Please note that if for any reason you are unable to register your interest by following the instructions above between today (Tuesday December 9, 2014) and 5 pm on Wednesday December 10 2014, am afraid you risk the chance of not getting the complete article. SO INDICATE YOUR INTEREST NOW BY FOLLOWING THE INSTRUCTION ABOVE AND YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU DID.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 14:16:51 +0000

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