HEART REVISION IN A SONG: The HEART Rap - Pump it Up! I’m a - TopicsExpress


HEART REVISION IN A SONG: The HEART Rap - Pump it Up! I’m a little red blood cell heading for the heart, The inferior vena cava’s where my journey starts, My O2 level’s low ‘cause I gave it the muscles in the legs when you were running it was powering your hustle Now I’m in the right atrium, chamber number 1, All your blood comes here, doesn’t matter where it’s from, superior vena cava drained the arms and head, It’s deoxygenated blood, cherry dark red! I pass through a valve when the atrium contracts, This valve’s got two names, here are the facts. You might know it as right atrio-ventricular Or tricuspid if you want to be particular CHORUS Pump it up! Pump it up! I see your heart throb Pump it up! Pump it up! Let me do my job Pump it up! Pump it up! Improve your condition, ‘Cause oxygenation is my mission. Now to the next chamber right ventricle I pass, I’m suffering I’m still low, in oxygen gas, Right ventricle contracts I’m heading for the lungs, Through the pulmonary valve, I first get flung, Now my location is the pulmonary artery, Which branches right and left toward the system respiratory, Through smaller arteries to a lung capillary Where CO2 goes out of me and oxygen goes into me, I feel so great, I’m oxygenated And I’m flowing to the pulmonary vein I’m elated, Cause I’m heading back to the heart as its thumpin’, To the left atrium as the heart keeps pumpin’ CHORUS Left atrium sends me through the left a-v valve, Left Atrio-ventricular or bicuspid valve, To the left ventricle, which when it contracts, sends me through the aortic valve putting me on track, To go to the aorta, the biggest artery, from there to any artery and any capillary Maybe liver, bones, muscles, kidneys, brain, small intestines, Wherever I go I’ll give up oxygen, And pick up some CO2, and go into a vein, and I’ll find myself in the vena cava again, then back to heart to repeat this story ‘Bout our journey through the system circulatory, CHORUS [This last stanza includes some call and response] Main points: can’t be over-rated Right side of the heart’s … deoxygenated Left side has blood full of … oxygen, Repeat that til you know it now say it again. Right side blood: deoxygenated Left side blood: oxygenated Chambers on the top: atria Chambers on the bottom: ventricles Biggest artery is the? Aorta, Vein that brings blood to the heart? The vena cava And if you want more questions to review Make up your own circulatory system rap 2
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 09:43:48 +0000

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