HEARTBREAKING!!!!!!!!!! :( Testimonial of a person who has - TopicsExpress


HEARTBREAKING!!!!!!!!!! :( Testimonial of a person who has recently been in one of the public shelter from Bucharest: https://facebook/ozana.bonta/posts/453854558066691 English translation: Today I went to the dog catchers!!!!! I dont think I have ever had a more humiliating experience ever...To look at you with superiority...a dog catcher...to have to lick the ass of a madame with PMS syndrome, who browses 2 files there and treat you like you are the last piece of dirt...why? Because you are at her mercy, because she can, YES, she who didnt count until yesterday and now she is the queen of the shelter and makes sure to kneel you down so she can feed her stupid ego. It is beyond anything the things you can see there in one hour. Poor pensioner ladies who can barely walk and who asked a neighbor to bring them to that hell so they can search for the dog that they raised since he was a few months old and who has been taken away from a cage that was built under their balcony. Their hands shakes, they have tears in their eyes and they are terrified to enter that death camp to find their animal. They get out of there like after a meeting face to face with the death. Some of them are happy because their dog will be give back, others are desperate because they cant find their dog anywhere.Couples who comes and waits in front of the door, shaking in cold, until her highness-the dog catcher makes time for them. Young girls who got some courage and entered to look for their confiscated dog.When they got out of there, their face expression was mutilated , their hands were shaking and they were crying hard. A lady, who is a vet and who came from Greece turned away from the door which connects the shelter halls with her face in her palms, crying, saying that she can simply not enter there. Simple people, who were leaving with a poor dog in their arms and with a victory smile on their faces, people with expensive cars who were cramming 3, 4 dogs who have been brought by a snare by his highness- the dog catcher, being dragged like that..on purpose, so you cannot be able to erase those images from your mind ever, this while some people were actually asking him nicely to let those person take their dog in their arms and not drag him like that. Have you ever seen the smile of a dog catcher when a well dressed lady nicely asks him to not drag a dog like that?? I think it is the most horrible gesture I have ever seen. And that says a lot of things, it can be translated in so many ways. Looking at him I could translate it like this : I WILL DRAG THIS POOCH!! LIKE THIS...BECAUSE I WANT SO....AND WHAT CAN YOU DO??? ..unfortunately, the answer in this country sick of hate and stupidity is NOTHING!!! YOU CAN DO NOTHING!!! It is the land of the idiots, lobotomized and out of gear people. Is good for them here. They do not think...why would they?? They watch TV where various others think for them and it is enough for them! Who else thinks for them? The women who make kids on the bathroom floor and who become TV stars just because they can dilate herselves more and because they release milk harsher than a Banat sheep, the monsters with childhood traumas and who have the capacity of hurting anybody that is not on their side and out of gear old ladies, hormone disorder victims,who enjoy just to hear themselves talking. They revealed a lot to all of those who who are not walking dead in these times yet, like why our lives is hard as it is, why are we leaded by some traitors and stopped from talking. Because this is the level of the majority. The level of those who gives you a bad look whenever they see you with your dog in the leash, of those hysteric mothers who pulls their kid like a maniac, at the sight of a poor puppy, of those old women, frustrated for their own shitty lives, who yells at you to rather adopt a child than feed a pooch,from their windows. And all of these are not capable to realize that they have been used, treat as stupid , many of them , in a bad way. They have been provoked by that fairytale of Ionut, the child that we will never know where he actually is. They have been poisoned by that infected family who have played theater acts like the worst amatory, by those who came out like snakes to spit their poison and to ask death for a death. I look at the poor faces of those who loses their child from various reason. You can see their sufferance in their eyes, they looses their voices when they tries to control their tears, they are beaten by sufferance, the mothers faints, the fathers try not to scream, these people have really lost somebody dear to them, you can see it, you can feel it, there can be really not be made a parallel between these people and the suspicious parents who have sucked money like ticks from all televisions?? In every person who has lost somebody loved , the sufferance is ALIVE and can be noticed no matter how hard that person would try to hide it. It is touchable, the voice, the expression, the poise, everything reveals the sufferance, the pain. We have been witnesses to a poorly produced fairytale, with amatory actors, a fairytale that brought most of us on the edge of desperation, who have brought the worst out of us. One more time it has been proven to us that the mass manipulation works. Just as good as it worked in the Jesus times. We see the same reactions in people like back then. In 2000 years nothing happened to us. We have not evolved, we have not woke up from the sleep of rationality. We continue to be the tools of those who owns us!! This winter we will assist to tough manifestations of Mother Earths pain. I suggest you to kneel down on the grass, somewhere in a place with more privacy and to put your palms on the ground. Simply honor the live being who is Gaia and ask her forgiveness for those who hurts her so much killing her child and ask her to allow you for a second to connect with her and to feel what she feels. You will understand what I am talking about. May all the guards of these lands help you and those who honors the human being to be where you are needed, when you are needed, in the oncoming days and months. Mitakuye Oyasin! We are all one!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 04:13:11 +0000

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