HEARTY FAREWELL TO THE PEOPLE!!! I was with the wise lately in - TopicsExpress


HEARTY FAREWELL TO THE PEOPLE!!! I was with the wise lately in realism. It was a fantastic summit which featured eminent figures like gurus, sages and the magi who came from East of Thesaurus. We were officially summoned in the Supernatural, and the meeting demanded our reports in Supremacy. The grand President of Thesaurus was there as the Supreme head, and each of the participants has a sacred portfolio. I happened to be one of the sages in attendence. The summit lasted long for good. It was more or less a solemn gathering, and the wise gave me to know that the struggle to liberate Biafra had not come to an end in anyway. They said that we have tried a lot but it is obvious that there are still much to be done for the actualization of our dear country - Biafra. The Supernatural meeting was eventful and historic but I cannot really relate the whole thing that happened during the occasion. Let me just say that I am really impressed for all the efforts and steps the people have taken so far in the struggle. It has not being easy for us in reality because the ways are crooked, hard and tough for Biafra in realm of jungle. The wise stated that my contributions are still needed in the struggle but one has to be very careful in every way. I mean it is known to the wise that Biafra is bound to stand in reality, and they equally understand that facebook, internet and the likes are not really needed for the liberation. I was told that we need to start working actively in real life as a people under one forum and single leadership. That is why I have deemed it good to tender this piece of writing as my farewell to Biafrans on facebook. I have to say goodbye because I am done with my mental works on the imaginary or dreamy book popularly known to the public as facebook. What I am saying in essence is that I am completely through with activities of Biafra-Nigeria on imaginary grounds, groups, forums and pages. The remaining works I have for us (Biafrans) has nothing to do with internet, imagination, dream, fantasy and the likes. Furthermore, let us remember that I joined facebook just to work in the public as a writer of great insight. I have been able to compile all my mental works into standard manuscripts. The list is there in my website for the public. It is a total of seventeen (17) publishable manuscripts. One of them was published this year with title - COLLECTION OF EPICS. I had also published hundreds of articles, sonnets and poems for the people to read freely. The articles are everywhere especially on facebook. Their titles include NEW BEGINNING OF A GLORIOUS NATION, SUPERNATURAL CITY FOR ACADEMY, UWAZURIKE & VACANT THRONE, IGBO WITHOUT HEAD, BROKEN FENSE, BIAFRANS ARE NOT FOOLS, ETC. The general public should also remembler that I have proposed musical albums to release for the people. I have uploaded one of the musical projects together with the lyrics and few demos. They are there in my website. I said it severally, and the people know that I still remain the Ugly Duckling for them. In actual fact, I was able to convince the people that divinity ordained me in the uphill. It is generally known that I grew up as a prodigy. I do not have to remind us that my life was totally and naturally given to the services of Biafra right from craddle. What I know is that I am not fine for anybody under the Sun. This is factual because the Ugly Duckling lives in me. I mean nature made me ugly for the people in jungle, and nothing has been done to make me become handsome, elegant or fine for good. Truth is that I do not like what nature did. Every wise fellow knows that Hans Christian Anderson did not make any mistake in the tale, and it was obvious that the Duckling did not make himself ugly. The story (tale) told us that it was nature that did it. I mean my life and ways are too ugly for the people. I do not want to continue in the ugly ways. That is why I have deemed it good to say goodbye to the people on facebook. God bless the people! May the good lord liberate Biafra! Many thanks! More info @ onyeji-dominic
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 09:48:30 +0000

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