HEAVEN-GIVEN LANGUAGE One of the first things the Governor - TopicsExpress


HEAVEN-GIVEN LANGUAGE One of the first things the Governor gives us after we receive his infilling is THE ABILITY TO SPEAK IN HEAVEN-GIVEN LANGUAGES. He may give an earthly language that the speaker does not understand. Or he may give a heavenly language that is unknown on earth. THROUGH HEAVEN-GIVEN LANGUAGES, THE GOVERNOR ENABLES HUMAN BEINGS TO ONCE MORE SHARE A COMMON TONGUE, SO TO SPEAK, WITH THE HEAVENLY KING, SHOWING THEY BELONG TO HIS KINGDOM. After Jesus had accomplished his mission of restoration, he told his disciples, YOU WILL RECEIVE POWER WHEN THE HOLY SPIRIT COMES ON YOU. BUT HE ALSO SAID, ( THESE SIGNS WILL ACCOMPANY THOSE WHO BELIEVE): IN MY NAME THEY WILL DRIVE OUT DEMONS; (THEY WILL SPEAK IN NEW TONGUES);... THEY WILL PLACE THEIR HANDS ON SICK PEOPLE, AND THEY WILL GET WELL. Jesus was outlining the evidence of lives that have been CONNECTED TO THE HEAVENLY KINGDOM. (THE PROMISE OF THE FATHER WAS NOT JUST FOR KINGDOM POWER, THEREFORE, BUT IT WAS ALSO FOR KINGDOM LANGUAGE. According to Jesus, when you receive citizenship, you receive NEW TONGUES. The Governor gives you language from the heavenly kingdom. Lets review what happened WHEN THE SPIRIT WAS POURED OUT on the day of Pentecost: WHEN THE DAY OF PENTECOST CAME, THEY [THE ONE HUNDRED TWENTY FOLLOWERS OF JESUS AT THAT TIME] WERE ALL TOGETHER IN ONE PLACE. SUDDENLY A SOUND LIKE THE BLOWING OF A VIOLENT WIND CAME FROM HEAVEN AND FILLED THE WHOLE HOUSE WHERE THEY WERE SITTING. THEY SAW WHAT SEEMED TO BE TONGUES OF FIRE THAT SEPARATED AND CAME TO REST ON EACH OF THEM. ALL OF THEM WERE FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT AND BEGAN TO SPEAK IN OTHER TONGUES [OR LANGUAGES] AS THE SPIRIT ENABLED THEM. NOW THERE WERE STAYING IN JERUSALEM GOD-FEARING JEWS FROM EVERY NATION UNDER HEAVEN. WHEN THEY HEARD THIS SOUND, A CROWD CAME TOGETHER IN BEWILDERMENT, BECAUSE EACH ONE HEARD THEM SPEAKING IN HIS OWN LANGUAGE. UTTERLY AMAZED, THEY ASKED: ARE NOT ALL THESE MEN WHO ARE SPEAKING GALILEANS? THEN HOW IS IT THAT EACH OF US HEARS THEM IN HIS OWN NATIVE LANGUAGE? PARTHIANS, MEDES, AND ELAMITES; RESIDENTS OF MESOPOTAMIA, JUDEA AND CAPPADOCIA, PONTUS AND ASIA, PHRYGIA AND PAMPHYLIA, EGYPT AND THE PARTS OF LIBYA NEAR CYRENE; VISITORS FROM ROME (BOTH JEWS AND CONVERTS OF JUDAISM); CRETANS AND ARABS--WE HEAR THEM DECLARING THE WONDERS OF GOD IN OUR OWN TONGUES! :All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. Suddenly, those one hundred twenty people, who had gathered together to worship the King-Father and wait for the outpouring of the Spirit, were enabled BY THE GOVERNOR TO SPEAK IN OTHER LANGUAGES. In this particular case, the God-given languages included human languages that the INTERNATIONAL CROWD could understand. THE KING WAS COMMUNICATING HIS PLAN OF RESTORATION THROUGH A SPECIAL GIFT OF LANGUAGE GIVEN TO HIS KINGDOM CITIZENS. (THIS WAS A SIGN OF THE FULFILLMENT OF HIS PROMISE). IT SHOWED THAT THE COMMUNICATION LINES BETWEEN HEAVEN AND EARTH WERE OPEN ONCE MORE THROUGH THE RETURN OF THE GOVERNOR. IT WAS ALSO AN INDICATION THAT GOD DESIRES TO RESTORE UNITY AMONG THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD. Peter told those who witnessed their speaking in tongues, GOD HAS RAISED THIS JESUS TO LIFE, AND WE ARE ALL WITNESSES OF THE FACT. EXALTED TO THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD, HE HAS RECEIVED FROM THE FATHER THE PROMISED HOLY SPIRIT AND HAS POURED OUT (WHAT YOU NOW SEE AND HEAR). When the Governor indwells our lives, were supposed to HEAR his presence, not just see it. ITS SUPPOSED TO BE MANIFEST IN THE EVIDENCE OF LANGUAGE. Lets note the beauty of this occurrence. (AT THE INCIDENT OF THE TOWER OF BABEL, GOD (CONFUSED) THE PEOPLE WITH MULTIPLE LANGUAGES SO HE COULD WEAKEN THEM). (HERE, HE GAVE HIS PEOPLE THE GIFT OF LANGUAGES IN ORDER TO STRENGTHEN THEM IN THEIR NEW KINGDOM LIFE AND ENABLE THEM TO COMMUNICATE THE PROMISE OF THE SPIRIT TO OTHER INHABITANTS WHO NEEDED TO HEAR THIS MESSAGE). THIS GIFT OF LANGUAGES ALSO SERVED TO UNITE KINGDOM CITIZENS AS ONE PEOPLE BELONGING TO THE KING-FATHER. I have traveled to over seventy countries, mostly to speak at conferences but sometimes to visit. I dont understand the language of many of these nations. However, when I have attended conferences in a number of these places, something unique has happened that illustrates the oneness between people that come from RECEIVING HEAVEN-GIVEN LANGUAGES. For example, I was recently ministering in Ukraine, where twenty thousand people had gathered in an auditorium. I dont understand Ukrainian. However, we started worshipping, and the whole place seemed to explode with HEAVEN-GIVEN LANGUAGES. When I heard twenty thousand Ukrainian-speaking people begin to speak in tongues, and I joined them, I thought, Were one now! I suddenly felt at home. This reminded me again that the POWER OF UNITY is in language. In a similar incident, my wife and I went to Germany some years ago, and we went to a Pentecostal church where I was to speak. Of course, everybody was speaking German. Then they started worshipping and speaking in tongues. All of a sudden, I had that same feeling of being home. To hear them speak in tongues was to feel. We are one family. The barriers dropped away. We realized that WE ARE ALL CITIZENS OF THE KINGDOM, and that we have a common heritage. IT WAS TONGUES THAT DID IT. Then, when the worship portion ended and the people began to speak in German, I didnt understand a word anymore and I felt more like a stranger again. Heaven-given languages are more powerful than many of us realize.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 00:51:00 +0000

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