HEBREWS 3:13 BUT ENCOURAGE ONE ANOTHER DAILY, AS LONG AS IT IS CALLED “TODAY,” SO THAT NONE OF YOU MAY BE HARDENED BY SIN’S DECEITFULNESS. Precious Brothers and Sisters in Lord Jesus Christ; It is much easier to invent rules that we can keep rather than face up to Sovereign Gods demands for a pure heart and sin-free soul. Even today, freshly ironed Sunday clothes are no substitute for a clean heart: nor can eloquent praying replace obedience. Man keeps looking on the outward appearance, while our Heavenly Father is keenly scrutinizing each of our hearts. As always it is easier to detect the speck in anothers eye, while being blind oneself. Abuse your skin and, after the blister, a callus appears. Abuse your heart and after a while it will fail to respond to the call of Lord God Almighty or to delight in the grace of Lord Jesus Christ. Hardness of heart is today’s problem of the church – we all knew the truth but did not feel that it was really for us. When Pharisees and the teachers heard Lord Jesus Christ preaching Sovereign Gods truth but somehow it was not for them to act upon. By contrast the sick and their carers had no doubt that Lord Jesus Christ could heal as well as telling amazing stories about Lord God Almightys kingdom. Yet my beloved, how many who acknowledge the cross, are not submitted to it. We may see the gross effects in friends whose persistent rebellions against Gospel, wisdom and conscience has left them with no desire nor ability to trust the truth they know. Self-righteousness is a terrible disease for any Christian believer and hugely off-putting for a sin-sick world. We may even find it in ourselves, when we know the truth but fail to do it. So we may miss the blessing while others with less knowledge of Lord Jesus Christ are glad to receive it. Tragic! Time to repent! Have a Conscious day in Lord Jesus Christ. Lord Almighty blesses you All. Stay blessed.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 13:25:22 +0000

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