HELEN KENNY NUTRITION Helen Kenny is a Nutritionist, holding - TopicsExpress


HELEN KENNY NUTRITION Helen Kenny is a Nutritionist, holding clinics in Leitrim, Dublin, Roscommon and Longford. Helen graduated as a Nutrition Consultant from the Institute of Optimum Nutrition, London, under the tutorship of Patrick Holford and has been in practice for the past 12 years. Helen says, “Given the right conditions the human body will naturally try to heal itself. Nutritional therapy is about creating the right conditions and can help with a range of problems including: Digestive Complaints, Infertility, Heart Health, Blood Sugar Balance, Stress, Weight Management, Respiratory Disorders, Nervous System Disorders, Skin Conditions, Liver and Gallbladder Health and much more.” “A full Nutrition Consultation takes one hour, during which each patient receives a detailed and deep analysis of their present state of health. The patient is sent out a questionnaire in advance which has to be filled in and returned before the consultation. During the consultation, I carry out a number of tests, using the Bio-Meridian Vantage, a computerised health screening system; these include a full food intolerance test and vitamin/mineral analysis. This gives an indication of immune system health and helps identify any possible factors which may be contributing to current symptoms/illnesses. The results are printed and explained in detail and a specific dietary and supplement plan is designed based on individual’s needs. The entire process is designed to ascertain the underlying causes of health problems and comprehensively deal with them. With this method, I have helped numerous people with all kinds of health related issues including cholesterol, colitis, skin conditions, asthma, fatigue, blood pressure, hormone imbalance, infertility, low energy, weight loss, irritable bowel and much more.” “Digestive problems are a major problem today, with heartburn, indigestion and bloating ongoing issues for many people. Of course, most people just self medicate to relieve the immediate discomfort, without resolving the source of the aggravation. Irritation in the intestinal tract and damage to the gut lining is a common source of this discomfort and pain. This irritation also leads to poor absorption of nutrients, to food intolerances and if left unresolved can affect the function of other organs and body systems particularly the liver. Over 70% of our immune system is located in the intestinal tract. Healing the gut and restoring digestive health is a major part of the work I do in the clinic, as in my experience the digestive system is one of the most important organs in the body and ensuring good digestive function creates a sound platform to resolve other health issues.” “Hormone imbalance has become a serious problem today and it can be a factor in many health issues, but is often not identified, leading to further complications. Common hormone imbalances include thyroid problems, adrenal stress and of course infertility. The good news is that, by assessing and monitoring hormone health, identifying food intolerances, correcting nutrient deficiencies and following a nutrient-dense diet, hormones can be balanced and good health restored. By following a specially designed programme including diet and nutrient, fertility can be enhanced and pregnancy can be achieved. A study conducted by the University of Surrey showed that couples with a previous history of infertility who made changes to their lifestyle and diet and took prescribed nutritional supplements had an 80% success rate.” “Today many people are over-fed, yet malnourished, because so many of the foods eaten is very processed, high in salt, sugar and fat and has very little nutrient value. It is amazing how many people think they are eating healthily, but on close examination and individual assessment some of the foods being consumed are actually doing more harm than good, for example if there is any pain or inflammation in the body certain foods, often considered healthy can make it worse. Each person’s body is individual, dictated by so many factors including genetics, the environment in which they live and lifestyle; because of all of this, nutritional medicine has become a major factor in restoring optimum health.” For more information on the services available and conditions treated check out helenkenny or patients who wish to book a consultation can do so by contacting the clinic on 089 4974727 or via email to info@helenkenny.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 17:25:39 +0000

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