HELL IS A PLACE OF TORMENT Jesus says of the man in Luke 16: 23 - TopicsExpress


HELL IS A PLACE OF TORMENT Jesus says of the man in Luke 16: 23 "And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in TORMENTS 24. for I am TORMENTED in this FLAME." 28. PLACE OF TORMENT." It is humanly impossible to comprehend the Bible description of hell. Nothing on earth can compare with it. No nightmare could produce a terror to match that of hell. No horror movie could describe it’s fright. No crime scene with all it’s blood and gore could begin to match it’s horror. It will be beyond anything humanly imaginable! The Bible warns in Psalm 9:17, you will not only be in hell, you will BE TURNED INTO HELL! You will literally BE HELL! The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. Psalm 9:17 YOU will see HELL. YOU will smell HELL. YOU will breathe HELL. YOU will hear HELL. YOU will feel HELL. YOU WILL BE HELL. The Bible describes it as weeping (Matt 8:12), wailing (Matt 13:42), gnashing of teeth (Matt 13:50), darkness (Matt 25:30), flames (Luke 16:24), burning (Isa 33:14), torments (Luke 16:23), everlasting punishment! Jesus Christ says in Matthew 25:41, "Depart from me, ye cursed, into EVERLASTING FIRE, prepared for the devil and his angels." In Matthew 13:42, Jesus says: "And shall cast them into a FURNACE OF FIRE: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth." HELL IS FOREVER! All who enter hell abandon all hope! The horror of hell for even one second is unbearable. but FOREVER ! Jesus says in Matthew 25:41: " Depart from me, ye cursed, into EVERLASTING fire" Rev. 14:11: "The smoke of their TORMENT ascendeth up for EVER AND EVER : and they have NO REST DAY NOR NIGHT. Make Heaven Ur Choice today and be Saved.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 20:16:05 +0000

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